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    Fr. Joseph Jenkins

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Dim Prospects for the Society of St. Pius X

I would not argue against the desire for the Society of St. Pius X to preserve its identity, as long as such does not include a persistent and deliberate opposition to the rest of the Church’s self-understanding.

I would also not argue against the discernment of a silent apostasy to which we must respond.  However, we must not be deaf to the loud or blatant rebellion and dissent from various members, on the right and left, that afflicts the institution founded by Christ. The greatest threat to papal authority today is not a strained collegialism but an arrogant disobedience.  Given their continued participation in this assault, I am not optimistic that the conditions demanded upon by the Society will pass muster with the Holy See.

Despite the negotiations, reconciliation will not come by spurning the directives of the Holy Father while not budging upon their own obstinacy toward an authentic Ecumenical Council of the Church, Vatican II. Any such forced reconciliation would damage real ecclesial unity. While they speak of “canonical normalization,” they cannot even concur with the living Church over which Code of Canon Law actually applies and is in force. Despite their profession in the “monarchial constitution” of the Church under the Pope, they feel they still need a “deliberative vote” before deciding if they will listen to him or not. Is it not peculiar that they attack collegialism in the universal Church but demand upon it for themselves, even arguing that it trumps papal demands?  That is certainly not my idea of ecclesial obedience.

I am also not blind to the possible shades of Father Feeney in reference to the Church “outside of which there is no salvation nor possibility to find means leading to salvation.” They are usually very careful not to associate themselves with these extremists, despite a shared affection for traditionalism.  While the Church is certainly the great mystery or sacrament of salvation where we encounter Christ, this would seem to invalidate even the more restrained strands of ecumenism. The Church has affirmed that elements of Catholicism with which the Protestants absconded like baptism and faith in Jesus Christ still have some pervading value. While the issue is more complicated with Jews, we acknowledge that Christ is the fulfillment of the one covenant that God first established with them (Cardinal Dulles and Cardinal Ratzinger, i.e. the Pope). The Church is necessary for salvation because there is no way to the Father apart from Jesus Christ. The Church is his Mystical Body. Thus, both are one and integral to salvation. The irony is that if the Society refuses reunion then they will be condemned by their own definition as outside that visible body “by which the supreme power of government . . . belongs only to the Pope, Vicar of Christ on earth.” The only possible solution they might find for this conundrum would be the sedevacantism that some of them apparently have already embraced. Declaring the Chair of Peter vacant, they can define themselves as the true Church and appoint one of their own bishops as the Pope, or in actuality as an anti-pope. Given online sermons and writings from various of their priests, my suspicions are that a number of them will join the Society of St. Pius V in this regard. I hope I am proven wrong.

Further, it is one thing to say that we oppose the abuses from the nebulous spirit of Vatican II; however, they continue to castigate the council itself. As I recall, the Holy See implied that such would be a deal-breaker. It is certainly okay and proper “to uphold the declarations and the teachings of the constant Magisterium of the Church.” Vatican II must be understood or interpreted in light of the traditions and constant faith of the Church.  However, instead of seeing continuity, they stress a break “in regard to all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council which remain tainted with errors, and also in regard to the reforms issued from it.” While it lacks certain specificity, this statement can readily be interpreted as a general repudiation of the Church today in all her elements from the catechism to the sacraments.  Is this what they meant to say?

Only one of the four traditionalist bishops of the Society of St. Pius X has shown any real interest in the overtures of Pope Benedict XVI. Bishops Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Alfonso de Galarreta and Richard Williamson threatened internal schism within the Society, warning that any agreement with the Vatican would result in surrendering the fight against worldwide apostasy. This is strong language, literally saying that contemporary Catholicism is a false religion. Indeed, when we look at a number of their priests and apologists, they slam the whole business as capitulation to “the Modernist Pope” and “the Modernist Rome.” Some of their sermons online and various writings go so far as to call counterfeit both the “Novus Ordo” priesthood and the “new” Mass.  One writer claimed that since Cardinal Ratzinger was made a bishop under the new ritual that he did not share in the episcopacy and thus could not be a genuine pope.  People like that will not want to “pollute” themselves with any association with the rest of us.  There is a lot of wishful thinking, but after almost a half-century separation, many of them have gotten used to their independence. Slamming the rest of the Church and slurring the Holy Father, at least in sermons and in routine discourse has become second-nature. They do not seem the least bit afraid that they might be committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  Even Bishop Bernard Fellay has lamented this problem. It has become a habit hard or next to impossible to break. They will not reconnect with what they see as the enemy.

Pope Benedict XVI was very kind to lift their excommunication. However, I would not be surprised if Lefebvrites should invoke its reimposition.  After all, they never actually acknowledged it anyway.  All it would take is the consecration of another unapproved bishop.  Such would force the Church’s hand. The Society itself seems aware that their current response will not suffice for Rome. Thus, they will not be coming home any time soon. While pledging fidelity, they are not going to budge until (in their estimation) the day comes “when an open and serious debate will be possible which may allow the return to Tradition of the ecclesiastical authorities.” In other words, they are saying that they are RIGHT and Rome is WRONG and that nothing will change until the post-Vatican II leadership gives in.

(Lumen Gentium) “Each and all these items which are set forth in this dogmatic Constitution have met with the approval of the Council Fathers. And We by the apostolic power given Us by Christ together with the Venerable Fathers in the Holy Spirit, approve, decree and establish it and command that what has thus been decided in the Council be promulgated for the glory of God.”–Pope Paul VI

Given in Rome at St. Peter’s on November 21, 1964.

I will now wait for hell to freeze over.

I do not think the devil will be wearing a coat any time soon.

Responding to the Pope, here is the difficult condition laid down by the Lefebvrites for reunion:  “The freedom to preserve, share and teach the sound doctrine of the constant Magisterium of the Church and the unchanging truth of the divine tradition and the freedom to accuse and even to correct the promoters of the errors or the innovations of modernism, liberalism, and Vatican II and its aftermath.

Indeed, it looks like the devil is stoking the fire.

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller explains (July 20):  “The purpose of dialogue is to overcome difficulties in the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council, but we cannot negotiate on revealed faith, that is impossible. An Ecumenical Council, according to the Catholic faith, is always the supreme teaching authority of the Church.”

Can the Society of St. Pius X Really Be Reconciled?

Archbishop DiNoia, Ecclesia Dei and the Society of St. Pius X

SSPX recognizes papal authority, hints discussions will continue

Eternal Rome vs. the Magisterium:  A Contemporary Myth

SSPX Calls Vatican Recociliation Offer ‘Clearly Unacceptable’

Society of St. Pius X vs. Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter

Lefebvrians say they can only accept doctrinal preamble on three “conditions”

Vatican’s Doctrine Chief: Pius X Society Must Accept Vatican II Teachings

19 Responses

  1. Beware of the great distractions! Forget the world to remember your soul. We are in the end times. Our Lord told us about the end times. It will be worse than the time of Noah. Everyone is fighting each other— wanting preeminence—no one telling the truth.

    Our Lord will come right in the middle of all this. Give your heart to him. Approach him in prayer and sacrifice. This is the only way to win. Get caught up in the great distractions and you will lose everything.

    There is too much fear. Too many do not see. Too many are blind. Never mind what everyone else is doing. Time is running out. The blessed will allow themselves to be saved by Christ.

  2. I was under the impression from reading the SSPX’s documents on the papacy that all of the popes from John XXXIII on were apostates. I fail to see how that will ever be reconciled between Rome and SSPX.


    Any possibility of reconciliation with the SSPX is dead. They are entering full schism… again.

    Bishop Bernard Fellay of the SSPX:

    “The situation of the Church is a real disaster, and the present Pope is making it 10,000 times worse.”

    “When we see what is happening now we thank God, we thank God, we have been preserved from any kind of Agreement from last year. And we may say that one of the fruits of the [Rosary] Crusade we did is that we have been preserved from such a misfortune. Thank God. It is not that we don’t want to be Catholics, of course we want to be Catholics and we are Catholics, and we have a right to be recognized as Catholics. But we are not going to jeopardize our treasures for that. Of course not.”

    “To imagine that some people continue to pretend we are decided to get an Agreement with Rome. Poor people. I really challenge them to prove [what] they mean. They pretend that I think something else from what I do. They are not in my head.”

    “Any kind of direction for recognition ended when they gave me the document to sign on June 13, 2012. That very day I told them, ‘this document I cannot accept.’ I told them from the start in September the previous year that we cannot accept this ‘hermeneutic of continuity’ because it is not true, it is not real. It is against the reality. So we do not accept it. The Council is not in continuity with Tradition. It’s not. So when Pope Benedict requested that we accept that the Second Vatican Council is an integral part of Tradition, we say, ‘sorry, that’s not the reality, so we’re not going to sign it. We’re not going to recognize that’.”

    “The same for the Mass. The want us to recognize not only that the [New] Mass is valid provided it is celebrated correctly, etc., but that it is licit. I told them: we don’t use that word. It’s a bit messy, our faithful have enough [confusion] regarding the validity, so we tell them, ‘The New Mass is bad, it is evil’ and they understand that. Period!’”

    “It has never been our intention to pretend either that the Council would be considered as good, or the New Mass would be ‘legitimate.’”

  4. Religiouosity 101: Remember kids, always feel stubbornly assured and rigidly confident in your assessments and harsh in your legality, digging in your heals and stringently standing up to people always trumps kindness or humility and is always safer that handing things meekly over to God in a spirit of dependence and in the recognition that we are fallible, utterly incomplete souls struggling and failing to perceive the full mysteries of the Divine. It’s always going to easier to correct others than to fix ourselves, so it makes sense not bother with the latter until you’ve mastered the former. Anyone among you that perceives any sin may cast the first stone.

  5. Dear Fr Joe,

    Thanks for your comprehensive and authoritative reply. Today I can more or less agree with you; today is a better day. Depression and unresolved anger is a killer.

    With love,

  6. Dear Fr Joe,

    How odd we humans are! We have some sort of fanatic, the very kind that Jesus castigated, banging on about some finer point of ‘the law’, just like the Jews did, and we have ‘the Church’ doing much the same.

    FATHER JOE: Actually, there are some very important issues here: the universal call to salvation, freedom of conscience, religious liberty and ecumenism.

    We have a feast coming up soon, the feast of The Assumption of our Blessed Lady into Heaven, and thankfully there is a Mass in the Latin Rite being celebrated at 7-30pm in a small town just 20 miles from me and I will be going to that…………..not exactly SSPX stuff but the feelings might be similar.

    But I won’t be going so as not to commit Mortal Sin because that’s where even this old fashioned Catholic can, with clear conscience, dismiss that sort of falsehood, even if I’m in a church of one.

    FATHER JOE: The Church has the power of the keys and such covers the sacraments and the ecclesial precepts. Such is entirely within the Church’s jurisdiction.

    I try to lead a ‘good life’, to follow the teaching of Jesus specifically with regard to my fellow man, and I try also to conform to The Church, but St Paul was very clear when he warned, specifically the Laodiceans even though we don’t yet have that letter but must infer from exactly the same in John’s Revelation, that we will NOT be saved by ‘the law’, but by Christ.

    FATHER JOE: The law of Christ and of his Church is very different from that of the ancient Jews. Nevertheless, the commandments do not lose their force. Indeed, the Lord is the fulfillment of the law. Our obedience in all things is toward the person of Jesus Christ. Christ gave something of his authority to the apostles, i.e. the bishops. One can fulfill the disciplines of faith and still be motivated by the spirit of the law. There need be no contradiction. Salvation is a gift. Just being a “good” person will not necessarily save anyone. We need the goodness of God or his grace to be made holy and saved. For instance, a person in mortal sin might do many good things, but if he dies in such a state, he would still suffer hell.

    Now all this ranting, particularly about SSPX, but elsewhere also, is just some terrible demands for conformity to ‘the law’ and very little to do with what Jesus actually taught.

    FATHER JOE: I see no contradiction between conformity to the law (natural, divine positive and ecclesial) and fidelity to the teachings of Christ.

    I believe that to kill another human, to be unfaithful to a married partner, to lie and to steal from fellows, to do what many ‘investment bankers’ do, and I include some in the Vatican Bank here, will constitute ‘Mortal Sin’. But to lead a ‘good life’ and for reasons of internal struggle and conflict not to ‘go to Mass’ on Wednesday 15th August, or to eat meat on a Friday, is a mortal sin and will send me to Hell if I don’t confess that sin to a priest before I die and feel true remorse!………………well that’s just rubbish!

    FATHER JOE: But the attitude that it is “rubbish” is precisely the problem. The lack of external observance can readily reveal an internal dissent and repudiation of just authority. Rejection of the authority granted to Christ’s shepherds is repudiation of our Lord and of the Church as his vehicle for our sanctification. Ours is a corporate religion, not a privatized one as espoused by certain fundamentalists. Jesus is not just your personal Lord and Savior, but the invisible head of the Church. The Pope (visible head) and the bishops in union with him call us to worship, to service and to profess our faith within the saving community. They can set guidelines for our discipleship and even widen or narrow the means by which our sins might be forgiven. Never before had such authority been given to men. As a priest, I have the power to forgive sins. I can take a man with one foot in hell and with a gesture and few words wash his soul clean as one who hopes for heaven. What should be present is a humble submission to Church authority, seeing Christ and hearing his Word in the Pope, bishops and priests. We are all sinners, but hypocrisy does not necessarily strip a priest or bishop of his God-given authority. Anger with the Church often cloudes the issue and damages the obedience and respect that should be there.

    I’m sure that there will be some members of SSPX who WILL be damned and go to Hell, but I don’t believe that will be because of their internal struggle with conscience and teachings of a group of decoratively garbed canon law fanatics, it will be because of their hatred and spite and, just like the Pharasee who claimed all sorts of righteousness, their pride will be their downfall. And there will be many who claim conformity to not only ‘Vatican ll’; but the Church as well, of course, who will also be damned to Hell fires because of their hypocrisy, and not because they ate meat on one Friday back in the fall of ’83.

    FATHER JOE: Mortal sin is mortal sin, no matter what the specifics. Three conditions must be met: serious matter, knowing something is grievously wrong and freedom of intent. Some people talk as if there are no mortal sins other than murder. We must judge with the Church’s eyes what is and what is not serious matter. Arrogance, hatred and anger can poison the soul. It leads to disrespect and dissent. It leads to eternal death.

    Or because they couldn’t face going to Mass on a particular day in the calender of The Church. Nah….I don’t buy that one, but then I might be wrong. If I am then this God is a very nasty god and that I don’t believe either.

    FATHER JOE: My God loves us but he also makes demands. He is not interested in playing fair as the world regards things but asks that we take up our crosses and follow him. The God I believe in does not promise perfect happiness in this world, only in the world to come. I believe that every Mass is a re-presentation of Calvary and an earthly participation in the banquet table of the heavenly kingdom. We can never shy away from the Cross. If one would take the Mass lightly or with reservation then why would anyone want to go to heaven where there is an eternal Eucharist, the wedding banquet of the Lamb? The Mass is a taste of heaven, not in the accidentals, but in the substance. Any reluctance, particularly in regard to Sunday and holy days, can mortally wound the soul.

    Remember, He so loved the world that He sent His only Son to show us the way, and that’s very little to do with ‘the law’ and much more to do with our personal relationship with Jesus.

    FATHER JOE: No, again this is evangelical Protestantism, not Catholicism. We need to profess a personal faith but it is only truly saving within the corporate faith of the Church. We are baptized and become children of the Father and inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are confirmed and made more full sharers of the Holy Spirit. We receive Holy Communion and thus are given as pilgrims some ration from the fruits of the Promised Shore. We receive the absolution of a priest in Confession, the essential means by which mortal sin is forgiven and we are granted the graces to fulfill our state of life. Ours is a sacramental religion. We are saved, not alone or just personally, but within the context of something larger than ourselves, the New Jerusalem, the New People of God, the Church. This is the key to understanding the proposition about how no one is saved outside the Church. The Church is Christ, his mystical body. Catholics should know better than those outside our visible ranks, and are held to a higher standard. We have the gift of the fullness of truth and of those means established by the Savior for our edification in holiness and redemption.

    The Catholic Church can be a real hindrance to that relationship if we get bogged down in semantics and specifics particularly in regard to ‘the law’. Yes, I know that we do have to have a ‘set of rules’ to live by, but those have really been abused and defined ad nauseam over the centuaries and corrupted to demand conformity through fear and guilt and threat of punishment with the ultimate trump card: “Do what I tell you or your soul will burn in Hell for ever”.

    FATHER JOE: The Church is not a hindrance but the means of our salvation. You cannot save yourself, no matter how “good” you are. The issues are crucially important, more than mere semantics. Holy fear or reverence is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The creature must adopt such a posture in the face of Almighty God. Censures and earthly punishments are like those reprimands given a child so that he might grow up right. The Church wants us to remain in God’s good graces and grow up right. Sometimes we are guilty precisely because we are guilty. The prospect of punishment and hell is real. It preserves the justice of God. It is the basis for imperfect contrition so that sinners might have their sins forgiven by a priest.

    As the soldiers, those rough and horrible men, drove the nails into His wrists and feet, Jesus looked on them and His demand was “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do”.I don’t need some Bull from the Vatican to tell me something that’s so obvious as to need no explanation. If I could have just one iota of those sentiments,,,,to ask my God to forgive those who not even drive nails into my hands, but who have broken my heart, then I would be starting to follow The Lord.

    FATHER JOE: Rebellion and disrespect to the Church is disobedience and spurning of Christ. By such actions we drive the nails into Christ’s hands and feet. Jesus was murdered by the accumulative sins of all mankind throughout all human history. That includes YOU and me.

    Eat meat on a Friday and enjoy the fires of Hell for eternity, might well be a misguided marketing slogan better suited to a health food organisation, but as far as salvation goes, that’s just rubbish. Much like the last rant from Lionel.

    With Love, Paul

    FATHER JOE: I wish the American bishops would follow the lead of those in the UK in restoring the penitential laws for Fridays. Too many people have neglected the meaning and need for such mortification. You stress the externals while ignoring that as bodily creatures such practices help to dispose us to mercy and grace. Indeed, they also fuel thankfulness for the goods of creation and an appreciation as to how wonderful God has been to us. It is a small thing, but some will not even surrender a piece of meat or a meal to honor God and to demonstrate our dependence upon him and the Church. The giver means so much more than gifts. They will also not bend the knee to God in Church or at prayer. They shout out to both God and his Church, “You can’t tell me what to do!” It is a terrible tragedy.

  7. PLEASE SEE the previous comment and response that started this particular debate: CLICK HERE.

    Following are the final remarks of Lionel Andrades, albeit heavily edited for comprehension.


    Fr. Jenkins is not admitting that we do not know people dead and saved in Heaven and that we cannot see those saved in invincible ignorance. Perhaps if he admits he agrees with me on this factual observation he thinks it will contradict some of the teachings of the Church.

    Priests do not want to admit the obvious in public and so it is not likely that the Vatican will concede an error.

    It is important for the SSPX to ask the Vatican cardinals and bishops if we can see the dead-saved and if they are explicit exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma on outside the church there is no salvation.

    Fake Interview with Vatican Officials

    LIONEL THE FEENEYITE ANDRADES: Your Excellency, some of the supporters of the SSPX are saying that Vatican Council II is a traditional document with traditional values on other religions, ecumenism and religious liberty. Would you agree?


    LIONEL THE FEENEYITE ANDRADES: They say an error was made in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case which has influenced our interpretation of Vatican Council II.

    LIONEL THE CONFUSED BISHOP: What is the error specifically?

    LIONEL THE FEENEYITE ANDRADES: That we don’t know the dead saved in invincible ignorance and implicit desire. Since we do not know these cases they are not explicit exceptions to the actual interpretation of the dogma. They are irrelevant to the dogma.

    LIONEL THE CONFUSED BISHOP: So what has this to do with Vatican Council II?

    LIONEL THE FEENEYITE ANDRADES: So those saved in invincible ignorance or a good conscience (Lumen Gentium 16), elements of sanctification (Lumen Gentium 8), seeds of the Word are not explicit exceptions to the dogma outside the church no salvation. You would agree that we do not know these cases?


    LIONEL THE FEENEYITE ANDRADES: So could the Vatican make an announcement that we do know these cases of the dead-saved? Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    LIONEL THE CONFUSED BISHOP: Yes. It is an objective fact. It cannot be denied.

    LIONEL THE FEENEYITE ANDRADES: So once the announcement is made everyone will realize that we can all, SSPX and non SSPX, hold the traditional (heretical), rational (illogical) “Feeneyite” interpretation of Vatican Council II?

    LIONEL THE CONFUSED BISHOP: Yes. Honesty demands it.


    You are a very confused person. You criticize me for editing your proof-text version of Ad Gentes 7 (deleted here) while such had already been posted to the comments with the clarifications still in place in reference to the whole document. Now that you are deriding me on your blog and perloining from my site, I must enforce a ban. I can no longer be party to parading such ignorance before others. It bothers me in conscience. I will let this and the earlier remarks suffice as a rebuttal. I noticed that while I posted your comments up to this point, you were slow to permit my short one at yours. I was later surprised to see it. Did I have to shame you into playing fair? Given that you are in Lazio or Rome, is there a language or translation issue?

    Mr. Lionel Andrades, neither you nor the SSPX can dictate to the Magisterium and the Vatican. You do not understand the documents you cite. Failing to appreciate this, you repeat your dissent again and again in the hope that this mantra of slogans will convince someone. You are arguing that we do not know the dead and saved in heaven; and yet, while we have no absolute certitude for most souls, there are canonized saints raised up by the Church as exemplars and intercessors for God’s pilgrim people on earth. You use a false reasoning or argument that if we do not know by name any souls who have escaped damnation because of invincible ignorance then by necessity there cannot be any. While the situation with Judas is dire, we have no absolute certainty of the names of any of the damned; however, this does not mean that there are no souls suffering perdition. My views are entirely in sync with the Church and Pope Benedict XVI. You have no authority to interpret (or should I say misinterpret) ecclesial documents in a way inconsistent with the living Church and Magisterium. You are the one skirting heresy but are too insignificant to register on the Church’s radar. If you were a priest, however, you would be censured and removed from ministry.

    You cannot unjustly put words into the mouths of others or make straw man arguments with Archbishop Muller, Archbishop Di Noia or anyone else representative of the Holy See (alias Lionel the Confused Bishop). The Vatican II documents must be understood within the context of Catholic faith and tradition, not as a break with the essentials. But the error of Fr. Feeney’s friends is not representative of genuine tradition.

    You create a false dichotomy between the dogma of no salvation outside the Church and the teachings about baptism by desire and the role of invincible ignorance. There are various conditions, like a life of charity and at least a natural discipleship. Further, these teachings are understood within the dogma about the necessity of the Church, not outside of it as an exception. The issue of the Feeney crisis is peripheral to the SSPX debate since they officially do not subscribe to any such exaggeration or heresy. The recent statement by the SSPX is inexact but is probably a shot against the sin of religious indifferentism.

    I have already cited many documents to which you turned a blind eye or rationalized away. I am way past thinking that you suffer from an obsession or fanaticism. When I do a Google search, your ramblings are like spam throughout the blogosphere.

    Because of disagreements to his comments, Lionel Andrades has started a campaign to drag through the mud my name and that of a priest in Australia. He thinks that citing Vatican II and the Magisterium against the SSPX and the Feeneyites will somehow get me in trouble with our bishops and the Church. I doubt the man is a theologian of any sort because he twists Church teaching and uses constant repetition to debate, neglecting or feigning straight facts and logical reasoning. He writes, “Priests in Washington and Sydney refuse to say that the dead saved in heaven are not visible to us.” Of course, nothing of the kind was said, only that such reasoning could not be used against the teachings about baptism by desire and the notion of invincible ignorance. Calling orthodox teaching “theological novelty,” he says that I am “resisting the Catholic Church going back to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.” Of course, such is not the case. However he interprets the dogma that there is no salvation outside the Church to mean that all Protestants, all Jews, all Moslems, all Hindus, all Buddhists and all non-believers are necessarily damned to the fires of hell, without exception. I would counter that we are not presumptuous of our own salvation and we do not claim any veto authority over divine mercy.

    Lionel Andrades does not care what the Holy Office, Vatican II or the popes taught. If we cannot see the blessed in heaven or the damned in hell then he insists that we cannot claim that any are saved because of invincible ignorance and/or baptism by desire. I wonder if he thinks hell might be empty since we cannot “see” any human beings there either. He never responds to the fact that the Church canonizes certain saints as in heaven. He wants to make sure that the three-fourths of the world that is not Catholic will go to hell. Who knows how many of the billion Catholics will make it, given the tragedy of mortal sin. Lionel Andrades makes himself into his own infallible teaching authority over and against the Magisterium and faithful priests.

    The Catholic teaching is clear. Christ is the way and the truth and the life. None are saved apart from Christ (the head) or the Church (his mystical body). The teaching about a matter like baptism by desire and the issue of invincible ignorance works within this dogmatic equation. The Church intercedes and prays for the world. The Church embraces, even if there is a lack of juridical affiliation, all those who have been legitimately baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. There is only one covenant, not two. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s covenant, first established through the Jewish people and later in a full realization with Christ’s saving sacrifice on the Cross. We do not say that all non-Catholics are saved any more than we say that all Catholics are saved. However, everything necessary for salvation subsists in the Catholic Church. If anyone should be saved and find himself in heaven, it is because of Christ’s power and his atonement. He is the bridge between earth and heaven. There is no secret tunnel or other passage across the ravine caused by sin. Our understanding of a just God is that he would not condemn people for what they fail to know in good faith. However, whatever truths and elements of real faith they possess will always be orientated toward incorporation in the Catholic Church. There is gravity toward a real and lasting union, not only in the Catholic Church but also in the kingdom of God. This kingdom is breaking into the world through the Church. Everyone in heaven is Catholic. This does not mean that non-Catholics are necessarily damned. Rather, what it means is that no matter what a person might have been, if he should find himself in heaven, he is now most certainly a member of the Catholic Church in glory and included among the communion of the saints.

    He also bad mouths a retired priest from Sydney, Fr. John George. I read that he had some past problems in his Archdiocese, but I really know next to nothing about him. It looks like the pertinent areas on his message board have been deleted.

    Unable to deal with coherent arguments, Lionel Andrades attacks the person by posting my name and these comments on his web site. It is a whacky crusade given that I am a simple blogger and no authority of great note. He says that documents which obviously say one thing are saying something else. Indeed, he would make the Decree on Ecumenism at Vatican II teach the very opposite from what it actually teaches. Such reflects a silliness that may cross over into a blind fanaticism; I pray that it is not symptomatic of a sickness of mind. He says that I will not acknowledge the “theological implications” of our not being able to see the blessed of heaven or I suppose, conversely, the damned of hell. However, the deposit of faith is based not upon what we can see but what is passed down to us and taught by the Magisterium. That is the whole business about believing, we live by faith, not by sight.

    The Decree on Ecumenism at Vatican II states:

    [3] Even in the beginnings of this one and only Church of God there arose certain rifts, which the Apostle strongly condemned. But in subsequent centuries much more serious dissensions made their appearance and quite large communities came to be separated from full communion with the Catholic Church-for which, often enough, men of both sides were to blame. THE CHILDREN WHO ARE BORN INTO THESE COMMUNITIES AND WHO GROW UP BELIEVING IN CHRIST CANNOT BE ACCUSED OF THE SIN INVOLVED IN THE SEPARATION, AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH EMBRACES UPON THEM AS BROTHERS, with respect and affection. FOR MEN WHO BELIEVE IN CHRIST AND HAVE BEEN TRULY BAPTIZED ARE IN COMMUNION WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH EVEN THOUGH THIS COMMUNION IS IMPERFECT. The differences that exist in varying degrees between them and the Catholic Church-whether in doctrine and sometimes in discipline, or concerning the structure of the Church-do indeed create many obstacles, sometimes serious ones, to full ecclesiastical communion. The ecumenical movement is striving to overcome these obstacles. BUT EVEN IN SPITE OF THEM IT REMAINS TRUE THAT ALL WHO HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED BY FAITH IN BAPTISM ARE MEMBERS OF CHRIST’S BODY, AND HAVE A RIGHT TO BE CALLED CHRISTIAN, AND SO ARE CORRECTLY ACCEPTED AS BROTHERS BY THE CHILDREN OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.

    Moreover, some and even very many of the significant elements and endowments which together go to build up and give life to the Church itself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church: the written word of God; THE LIFE OF GRACE’ FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY, WITH THE OTHER INTERIOR GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and visible elements too. All of these, which come from Christ and lead back to Christ, belong by right to the one Church of Christ.

    The brethren divided from us also use many liturgical actions of the Christian religion. These most certainly can TRULY ENGENDER A LIFE OF GRACE in ways that vary according to the condition of each Church or Community. These liturgical actions must be regarded as capable of giving access to the community of salvation.

    IT FOLLOWS THAT THE SEPARATED CHURCHES AND COMMUNITIES AS SUCH, though we believe them to be deficient in some respects, HAVE BEEN BY NO MEANS DEPRIVED OF SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPORTANCE IN THE MYSTERY OF SALVATION. FOR THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST HAS NOT REFRAINED FROM USING THEM AS MEANS OF SALVATION which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Church.

    Nevertheless, our separated brethren, whether considered as individuals or as Communities and Churches, are not blessed with that unity which Jesus Christ wished to bestow on all those who through Him were born again into one body, and with Him quickened to newness of life-that unity which the Holy Scriptures and the ancient Tradition of the Church proclaim. For it is only through Christ’s Catholic Church, which is “the all-embracing means of salvation,” that they can benefit fully from the means of salvation. We believe that Our Lord entrusted all the blessings of the New Covenant to the apostolic college alone, of which Peter is the head, in order to establish the one Body of Christ on earth to which all should be fully incorporated who belong in any way to the people of God. This people of God, though still in its members liable to sin, is ever growing in Christ during its pilgrimage on earth, and is guided by God’s gentle wisdom, according to His hidden designs, until it shall happily arrive at the fullness of eternal glory in the heavenly Jerusalem.

    Notice that the Council fathers spoke about our separated brethren as growing in grace. Actual grace is not possible unless one has first acquired sanctifying grace. The fact that they do not know that the Catholic Church is the true Church is not held absolutely against them. Turning to the subject of non-Christians, one finds a respectful assessment from the Church in the Vatican II document, Nostra Aetate. I shudder to think what Lionel Andrades would try to do with this, given his Feeneyite affiliation.

    Lionel Andrades curses the whole world and writes that “all non-Catholics are oriented to Hell and there are no known exceptions.” But this is hardly the position of Vatican II and the living Church; quite the contrary, we emphasize the hope of salvation. While I give direct quotes from his remarks, Lionel Andrades misrepresents me, just as he does Church teachings and documents.

    He writes that I wrongly give room to ignorance. However, such is only an ingredient in possible salvation and not the most essential. He attributes an expression to me that I find rather foreign and unfamiliar: “Those who do not know about Jesus and the Church are oriented to Heaven.” I never said or wrote that such people are necessarily “oriented” toward heaven. All I wrote is that God saves whomever he pleases and that we cannot damn others. Lionel Andrades desperately wants to damn people. I suspect when he faces the particular judgment he will try to tell the Lord his business if non-Catholics should “sneak” into heaven. Of course, there is no absolute guarantee that he is going to paradise, either. Saying one sees (while really blind) and condemning others was a sin that earned the rebuke of Christ toward the scribes and Pharisees. I fear his rebellion in the Church may illicit a similar response. Dismissing the real Vatican II and the post-conciliar popes, the universal catechism, Pope Pius XII, and Pope Pius IX, Lionel Andrades pontificates: “The de fide teaching is that all are oriented to Hell with Original Sin and mortal sins and with no access to the Sacraments. They need to enter the Church to benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice for them.” Such is his narrow interpretation of Dominus Iesus written by Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. The document cites Vatican II and states, “In considering the values which these religions witness to and offer humanity, with an open and positive approach, the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions states: ‘THE CATHOLIC CHURCH REJECTS NOTHING OF WHAT IS TRUE AND HOLY IN THESE RELIGIONS. She has a high regard for the manner of life and conduct, the precepts and teachings, which, although differing in many ways from her own teaching, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men.’ Continuing in this line of thought, the Church’s proclamation of Jesus Christ, ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ (Jn 14:6), today also makes use of the practice of inter-religious dialogue. Such dialogue certainly does not replace, but rather accompanies the missio ad gentes, directed toward that ‘mystery of unity,’ from which ‘it follows that all men and women who are saved share, though differently, in the same mystery of salvation in Jesus Christ through his Spirit.’ Inter-religious dialogue, which is part of the Church’s evangelizing mission, requires an attitude of understanding and a relationship of mutual knowledge and reciprocal enrichment, in obedience to the truth and with respect for freedom” [2]. Note that there are elements of truth and holiness. If what Lionel Andrades said were true, there could be no holiness outside the confines of Catholicism. Later we read: “Certainly, it must be recognized that there are some elements in these texts which may be de facto instruments by which COUNTLESS PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES HAVE BEEN AND STILL ARE ABLE TODAY TO NOURISH AND MAINTAIN THEIR LIFE-RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Thus, as noted above, the Second Vatican Council, in considering the customs, precepts, and teachings of the other religions, teaches that ‘although differing in many ways from her own teaching, these nevertheless often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men’” [8]. If what Lionel Andrades said were true, non-Catholic or non-Christian elements could not preserve a “life-relationship” with God. The document continues: “Nevertheless, God, who desires to call all peoples to himself in Christ and to communicate to them the fullness of his revelation and love, ‘DOES NOT FAIL TO MAKE HIMSELF PRESENT IN MANY WAYS, not only to individuals, BUT ALSO TO ENTIRE PEOPLES through their spiritual riches, OF WHICH THEIR RELIGIONS ARE THE MAIN AND ESSENTIAL EXPRESSION even when they contain ‘gaps, insufficiencies and errors.’ Therefore, the SACRED BOOKS OF OTHER RELIGIONS, which in actual fact direct and nourish the existence of their followers, RECEIVE FROM THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST THE ELEMENTS OF GOODNESS AND GRACE WHICH THEY CONTAIN” [8].

    I am surprised that Lionel Andrades cites Dominus Iesus, given that it ultimately repudiates his entire position. I suspect the reason is that he reads snippets and not entire documents. It is true, as I have always believed and taught that Jesus is the one Mediator and bridge between heaven and earth. None are saved apart from Christ and his body, the Church. But the document goes on to say the following:

    Furthermore, THE SALVIFIC ACTION OF JESUS CHRIST, with and through his Spirit, EXTENDS BEYOND THE VISIBLE BOUNDARIES OF THE CHURCH TO ALL HUMANITY. Speaking of the paschal mystery, in which Christ even now associates the believer to himself in a living manner in the Spirit and gives him the hope of resurrection, the Council states: “ALL THIS HOLDS TRUE NOT ONLY FOR CHRISTIANS BUT ALSO FOR ALL MEN OF GOOD WILL IN WHOSE HEARTS GRACE IS ACTIVE INVISIBLY. For since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partners, in a way known to God, in the paschal mystery.” [12]

    The single and universal economy of salvation in Christ is affirmed; but, not the proposition that non-Catholics are damned. None of us, Lionel Andrades included, should be either unwilling or too thick-headed to accept this teaching. If I could I would spare him from further embarassment. At least the SSPX (on their issues) are honest enough to say they disagree with the Vatican. As for the Feeneyites, of which he is a member, they are opposed by both the pre- and post-conciliar Church.

    Lionel Andrades is a man of many contradictions, especially as he misrepresents me, others and the Church. While insisting that all non-Catholics are oriented (destined) for hell, he writes later that while “there may not be a single case in 2012 of saved in invincible ignorance; we accept in principle that it is possible, known to God, that there could be people saved in invincible ignorance.” He admits the possibility for something that he said previously was a closed door. Maybe he just wants to be contrary for the sake of contrariness? He next says that this does not violate the principle of non-contradiction; however, when you say that something is NO might actually be YES, this is hard to stomach. Despite his false caricature of me, I merely insisted that one could not use the argument of not knowing who was saved to disqualify the notions of invincible ignorance and baptism by desire. Except for the canonized saints, we can only hope for salvation in regard to ourselves and others. Lionel Andrades seemed to close the door to such hope, at least for the majority of people on the planet. The Church is not arguing for the salvation of individually known cases but rather in principle. Even canonized saints must be verified by an investigation and miracles. We were arguing the principle all along and yet now Lionel Andrades seems less sure of himself. Maybe he is hedging to protect himself from expulsion from the Church? I would contend that the principle is not in question while I still think he would judge it dubious or unlikely. How many times did he insist that there could be no exceptions? Now he is admitting the possibility of exceptions. Arguing with this man makes the head hurt.

    Lionel Andrades writes that I claim “to know who is saved” and that these cases are “visible” to me. Well, all I can say is that Mister Andrades is telling a fib of the worse sort. Is he not aware that such misrepresentation may be the matter of serious sin. I would urge him to make a retraction, assent to the Pope, and go to confession for absolution. The last suggestion being fortuitous for us all. I do not like making such a public judgment, but his misrepresentation devalues my character and my fidelity to Mother Church. If and when he recants, I see about removing these remarks from my blog.

    He next writes that “Fr. Jenkins says that the Holy Office in 1949 condemned Fr. Leonard Feeney for rejecting the baptism of desire.” I actually did not write this sentence, I simply allowed the statement to speak for itself. Fr. Feeney was excommunicated in 1953 for “persistent disobedience to legitimate Church authority.” He supported colleagues in their denial of baptism by desire and baptism by blood. Lionel Andrades wants Pope Benedict XVI to parrot his own deficient argument that since we do not have a name of a person saved through “implicit desire” it does not exist and is an error. The Pope will never do this because the Pope will not teach heresy.

    Some critics might contend that this makes Lionel Andrades a heretic, if one can figure out from his jumbled mind, what actually he is trying to say. I would urge readers to pray for the poor man. Hopefully, he will not find himself outside or opposed to the very Church which he understands is necessary for salvation.

  8. Dear Fr Joe,

    My heart wept as I read that piece from Fernando.

    You are right in that I suffer from mental illness and very rarely is mental illness simply slotted into a specific pidgeonhole. I can become paranoid especially if there’s a little bit of trigger out there. I may feel that I’m being followed and that feeling will be magnified when I’m going through a bad patch and someone actually ‘follows’ me, They might well be going in the same direction that I am and behind me either in traffic or just walking, but sometimes it is as if they are following me and something awful is going to happen. Also along with this tendency to not see reality too clearly some of the time, I also have periods of depression and it’s not so much the presence of anything bad or black or anything like that, it’s more the absence of anything good, and that includes GOD. It’s a very dark and hopeless place to be.

    I expect that there are some members of SSPX who likewise suffer. There are some elements in what Fernando says that are quite correct, and I imagine that he, like I, find the extraordinary form of the Mass much more suited to the understanding of the institution of Sacrament than the New Rite.

    Be that as it may, there is no room for vitriol and disobedience to the Church, unless, of course, one genuinely believes that the Great Apostacy has already happened. It has been predicted and we have been warned about it. Satan is given rule over this world and we can tell a tree by its fruit.

    Now there are any number of Good priests out there, and I have already mentioned that out of the 5,000 odd priests in Ireland only about 80 were pedophiles and that’s just over 1%…however there should be zero, ziltch, none, not a single Father ordained into the Catholic Church who would commit such grievious sin. So I would contest that the fruit of the tree is good and wholesome, and the fruit of some ‘members’ of SSPX is filled with hatred and division.

    However I too struggle with women administering Holy Communion, dressing in very revealing clothes, communion in the hand, some terrible music and the very Protestantised condition that I now see the Mass, I can cope with much of it, but not the terrible laisse fair way it’s gone locally with the aggrevating children becoming part of a sort of Holy Picnic. I would far rather attend a Latin Mass, but I do also take heed more of what Jesus said and my understanding of that than I do of not only the Magisterium, but also of the Pope.

    I don’t believe that Jesus is the terrible Magistrate that the Catholic Church, and I include the SSPX here, seem to imply. I believe that He loves us and really does make allowances. After all, because the Jewish heart was too difficult to teach HE allowed divorce…..Jesus tells us that. He allowed David all sorts of leaway, He allowed all sorts of sexual indiscretion (apart from homosexual sex), and still the sinners were leaders.

    And there were arguments between Peter and Paul, and any number of divisions throughout the whole history of the Church.

    Would God make billions and billions of souls and then condemn them to Hell just because they hadn’t heard of Jesus…………….I’m certain that He would not, and I don’t care what the Pope says about it. If someone leads a ‘good life’ than the opportunity for salvation will be presented to them at the moment of their death……………and that’s all there is about it………….excommunicate me for heresy if you like but I’m not budging on that one, and I’m still a Catholic.

    In my father’s house there are many mansions, if that were not so then I would have told you. The Catholics and the SSPX in particular may well think they have the monopoly on Heaven, but many will be sorely disappointed and far,far worse. And many may well be disgusted by God allowing ‘pagans’ into His Kingdom, but that will be their problem also.

    The fruits of some members of SSPX are similar to some anti=catholics, some militant aethists, some extreme protestants and many others. Hatred and condemnation is not what Jesus was about and He tried very hard to ensure that His Apostles abandoned that trait when He sent them off to spread the Good News.

    And the Good News is simply that The Gates of Heaven are opened for all Good Men who accept Jesus as redeemer and Saviour of the world, as he has warned that no one comes to the father except through me. How that’s done is between the deceased and their maker, and if it’s in Latin or English, if it’s done horribly with guitar and thumper of with a wind organ, it’s still good enough.

    I reject the concept that God is trying to trick us and catch us out, and yet I still believe that satan is not excluded even from the Vatican, and I am convinced that he has influence even in those hallowed walls. We must always be alert but conform ourselves to Christ.

    I may well let go of ‘the church’, especially the catholic churches locally, but, please God, I will never let go of my Saviour. Jesus is way, way beyond any man made institution, even if it is, or claims to be guided by the Holy Spirit. There have been some very bad popes in the past, and some very bad bishops and even cardinals.

    We can only ever approximate the truth and The Catholic Church comes pretty close…..who knows if John 23rd was a mason or not, God does and that’s what counts.

    With love,

  9. Dear Father Joe: Recently, the Knights of Columbus is holding a pancake breakfast with FreeMasons. Also, there is Knights of Columbus willing to rent their Hall out to KKK and other liberal organizations which goes against the teachings of the Church. How can “catholics” take part in ecumenical services when they don’t even know their Catholic faith?

    FATHER JOE: Cooperation for the sake of social harmony and charity is no sin against the truth. As for the KKK, I seriously doubt there are any such rentals. Such would immediately lead to the council’s charter being removed by Supreme. Give me evidence of such wrongdoing and I will take action. But do you have evidence or is this just an empty slur? As for ecumenical prayer services, there are not that many in which Catholics participate. If they do, then I would suggest only those strong in the faith, and preferably with their priests, should be allowed. We used to have an interfaith service for local churches on Thanksgiving day and also a memorial service for those who had passed at the local nursing home. You are right that we have to pick our friends carefully and beware of those who would seduce Catholics from the faith. I am no fan of interfaith bible study groups. I know of one where they deliberately target the faith of Catholics with proof texts… “call no man father” and ‘the brothers and sisters of Jesus” stuff. Those who know nothing about Hebraic hyperbole and the problems of translation might be gullible in reference to such attacks.

  10. Dear Father Joe: Shouldn’t the “Church’s hand” make the “silent apostacies” a priority instead of picking on the SSPX? Think about it: The “hierarchy” was covering up, lying and protecting the rapes of innocent children and new seminarians while at the same time the “hierarchy” was excommunicating SSPX and other independent Catholics who are not sedevacantists.


    First, we have already waited forty some years. The Pope was generous to the SSPX in lifting the censure of excommunication (which they rightfully deserved for unlawful episcopal consecrations). The Pope wants to avoid a parallel Church. Right now, the SSPX has no juridical standing in the Roman Catholic Church.

    Second, there is no such thing as “independent” Catholics. Many in the SSPX know this and so they repeatedly claim to honor the Pope. The problem is that these claims are not fully substantiated by obedienced to the Holy See.

    Third, if you condemn and ridicule the Pope, even suggesting that he has no authority over you, then you are logically a sedevacantist. You are in praxis if not in profession asserting that the Chair of Peter is empty and so you can do as you please. That is more damnable than the attitude of Protestants who place no weight, feigned or otherwise, in papal authority.

    Fourth, traditionalists are not free from the stain of moral irregularities either. Indeed, many of the priests and nuns accused were trained and ministered prior to the Vatican II changes. We have cases where the men are long dead and charges go back half a century. This is all to say that we have always had saints and sinners in the Church. But the situation today is that the criminals can no longer keep their misdeeds secret. Neither the civil authorities nor the Church will protect the rascals.

    Fifth, certain liberal priests have lost their license to teach theology. Various bishops, like the one in Australia recently have been removed from their Sees for heresy and/or disobedience. Sometimes these things are done quietly with little or no fanfare to avoid scandal and further defection. But Rome still acts. The trouble is that the left does not care. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith has recently condemned several books on theology and have criticised the Religious Women’s Leadership Conference. The Holy See wants it reformed and they are not happy about it.

    You are upset with the Holy See for a favor that he offered the SSPX which they arrogantly rejected. You are angry with the wrong parties. The rupture with the SSPX is very visible and damaging to people who would otherwise be positive forces for tradition in the true Church. Their absence has escolated the problems that the Church faces with modernity.

  11. EXCUSE ME, “FR. JOE”—

    With all “due” respect:

    FATHER JOE: The sense I get is that you would render a priest in good standing like me very little respect. Indeed, the use of quotation remarks around my name is no doubt an insinuation that you reject the holy orders given me by a Cardinal of the Church. Would you also reject the validity of the current Pope? After all, he was consecrated a bishop under the new liturgical form.

    I pray for you to come back to The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church…

    FATHER JOE: Me? I have never left Mother Church. The SSPX has no juridical standing in the true Church under Pope Benedict XVI. They feign obedience but it has yet to be proven. Its bishops were unlawfully ordained and they only recently had their excommunications lifted. If they consecrate another bishop, then it will rightly be re-imposed. The visible head of the Church is our living Pope. Everything I do is in union with him and the Cardinal-archbishop to whom I owe sacerdotal obedience. I am a faithful Roman Catholic, not a Lefebvrite. Until or unless they are granted a personal prelature, there is a real difference and they are risking the creation of a parallel church. If you are of their number, then your soul is at risk, too. Despite dress up, the use of Latin and a love of anachronisms, they are not the Church. Piety can be deceptive. Obey the Pope and cease your dissent. The SSPX argue that the Church is not a democracy but they insist upon an internal vote to decide if they will obey the Pope or not. So far the answer has been negative. Where ever you find the Pope, you find the true Church— period.

    …The Church without which no salvation is possible…


    I Baptize, give absolution in Confession, offer the Sacrifice of the Mass and give Holy Communion. I witness marriages and give Extreme Unction to the dead. Do you as a lay person do any of these things? No, but you would speak this way to a true priest who dispenses God’s graces through the sacraments! In any case, if the SSPX formalize their break, then along with them, YOU will be outside the Church. What will that say about YOUR salvation? As a priest in good standing, I live in the hope that God will find this lowly servant worthy of a place in his kingdom.

    Are you a Feneyite? As for the Feeneyite “heresy,” although that is a strong term for what was an error in degree and not in substance, the Holy Office responded in 1949. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani’s letter (protocol # 122/49) should have settled matters. Pope Pius XII reviewed and gave it his approval. Vatican II essentially offers the same teaching. He writes:

    Now, among those things which the Church has always preached and will never cease to preach is contained also that infallible statement by which we are taught that there is no salvation outside the Church. However, this dogma must be understood in that sense in which the Church herself understands it.

    …no one will be saved who, knowing the Church to have been divinely established by Christ, nevertheless refuses to submit to the Church or withholds obedience from the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth.

    In His infinite mercy God has willed that the effects, necessary for one to be saved, of those helps to salvation which are directed toward man’s final end, not by intrinsic necessity, but only by divine institution, can also be obtained in certain circumstances when those helps are used only in desire and longing. This we see clearly stated in the Sacred Council of Trent, both in reference to the Sacrament of Regeneration and in reference to the Sacraments of Penance (Denziger, nn. 797, 807).

    The same in its own degree must be asserted of the Church, in as far as she is the general help to salvation. Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member, but it is necessary that at least he be united to her by desire and longing.

    However, this desire need not always be explicit, as it is in catechumens; but when a person is involved in invincible ignorance, God accepts also an implicit desire, so called because it is included in that good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God.

    These things are clearly taught in that dogmatic letter which was issued by the Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Pius XII, on June 29, 1943, “On the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ.” (AAS, Vol. 35, an. 1943, p. 193 ff.) For in this letter the Sovereign Pontiff clearly distinguishes between those who are actually incorporated into the Church as members, and those who are united to the Church only by desire.

    Toward the end of this same Encyclical Letter, when most affectionately inviting to unity those who do not belong to the body of the Catholic Church, he mentions those who “are related to the Mystical Body of the Redeemer by a certain unconscious yearning and desire,” and these he by no means excludes from eternal salvation, but on the other hand states that they are in a condition ” in which they cannot be sure of their salvation” since “they still remain deprived of those many heavenly gifts and helps which can only be enjoyed in the Catholic Church” (AAS, loc. cit., 342)

    With these wise words he reproves both those who exclude from eternal salvation all united to the Church only by implicit desire, and those who falsely assert that men can be saved equally well in every religion (cf. Pope Pius IX, Allocution “Singulari quadam,” in Denziger, nn. 1641, ff. – also Pope Pius IX in the Encyclical Letter “Quanto conficiamur mœrore” in Denzinger, n. 1677).

    But it must not be thought that any kind of desire of entering the Church suffices that one may be saved. It is necessary that the desire by which one is related to the Church be animated by perfect charity. Nor can an implicit desire produce its effect, unless a person has supernatural faith: “For he who comes to God must believe that God exists and is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews, 11:6). The Council of Trent declares (Session VI, chap. 8): “Faith is the beginning of man’s salvation, the foundation and root of all justification, without which it is impossible to please God and attain to fellowship of His children” (Denz., n. 801)

    Therefore, let them who in grave peril are ranged against the Church seriously bear in mind that after “Rome has spoken” they cannot be excused even by reasons of good faith. Certainly, their bond and duty of obedience toward the Church is much graver than that of those who as yet are related to the Church “only by an unconscious desire.” Let them realize that they are children of the Church, lovingly nourished by her with the milk of doctrine and the sacraments, and hence, having heard the clear voice of their Mother, they cannot be excused from culpable ignorance, and therefore to them applies without any restriction that principle: submission to the Catholic Church and to the Sovereign Pontiff is required as necessary for salvation.

    …and whereby 2,000 years of consistent teaching and 4,000 years of God promising His Son to Redeem us and Jesus rising and ascending into Heaven, Himself promising The Holy Ghost to come and that being the beginning of The Catholic Church…

    FATHER JOE: That same Holy Spirit was invoked by all the world’s bishops at Vatican II. The Pope confirmed the council. You might not like everything the Pope says and does. There might be some teachings hard for you to understand and follow. But correctly understood, these teachings are binding upon all who would be Catholics. You seem neither to trust the Holy Spirit in regards to conciliar teaching nor in reference to the divine protection of infallibility given the Pope. The problem is yours, not mine. I assent. You dissent. It is very simple and thus very tragic.

    …as well as knocking out heresies that cropped up one by one with necessary and true Councils, which Vatican II was neither…

    FATHER JOE: And here we have it, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and denial of its protection over the true Church. That is heresy of the worse sort.

    I recommend to you to FIND YOUR WAY BACK TO THE TRUE FAITH instead of throwing barbs and spreading [expletive deleted] information about where The Faith is found…

    FATHER JOE: We are told that by their fruits we may know them. Your use of vulgarity is demonstrative of a weak mind and poor character. Such is the tactic of the devil and not the Lord. I know the Lord and his Church. My response would be what Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” I preach and teach from the deposit of faith. I accept the universal catechism. I am faithful to my promises of obedience and celibacy. Your presumption against me is way off the mark. But such arrogance is expected by those who make war with the Church and lawful authority.

    …because it is no longer found in Rome, and has not been since Vatican II…

    FATHER JOE: Then you are a sedevacantist or Protestant in Catholic disguise! You reject the Pope; now it becomes clear, you are really in league with the likes of the SSPV. Hum, have they made a pope or antipope yet? Where will we find his new Rome, in New York, Peoria, Los Angeles, where? Is Williamson your new pope? Maybe you can go around slurring Jews together and denying the Holocaust? No, no, no, a thousand times, no!

    …albeit with only a possible small minority of clergy who are not free and/or afraid to express their dissatisfaction for the Conciliar church openly.

    FATHER JOE: Do you mean that the only good priests are would-be schismatics and clergy who reject Church teaching about the authority of the Magisterium and Church councils? No, such priests have more in common with separated English Anglicans or German Lutherans, and even a few of them have come to their senses in returning to Mother Church.

    I can “obey” my Mafia Boss (hypothetically, of course) who tells me to break the knuckles of a non-paying “client”, or I can say, “NON SERVITUM” and be killed for it. Well, I’d rather be a martyr for The True Faith, “Fr. Joe” in diobedience to the current “Don” who is validly elected and spreading heresies, rather than lead myself and others down the path of pride and error as you have succumbed to by rejecting the True Faith and Church promised By God the Father, His Son The Redeemer, and delivered through The Holy Ghost.

    FATHER JOE: Again, notice your vulgarity! You would compare the Vicar of Christ to a criminal and murderer! I am now sure that the spirit which animates you is not the Holy Spirit. Seek out a priest faithful to the Pope and to the Church and ask for deliverance prayer and the sacrament of Confession. Hopefully you will not need a full-blown exorcism, but the authorities will have to make this determination. You are just as much a cafeteria Catholic as the liberal dissenters. You can quote someone like St. Lucia and yet she was faithful to the Church and beloved of Pope John Paul II. No, you are not of her company either, and that means that your piety toward our Lady of Fatima is also short-circuited. Mary does not delight in those who oppose the shepherds appointed by her Son. You are the one who is saying that you will not serve! You are the one saying that you will not obey! You are the one who is hiding behind a counterfeit faith that is not truly Catholic. You are the one who is so filled with pride that you think you know better that the Pope and the world’s bishops in union with him. I submit and I assent and I believe. I trust the promises of Jesus. He will never abandon Peter and the Church. Your dissent is so severe it comes across as a moral sickness. I will pray for you as you desperately need prayer.

    WHOM do YOU serve, “Fr. Joe?” You can’t have it both ways! I sincerely do pray for people like you who turn people away from The True Church and smear the Holy Work of The SSPX, and others. How “silly” is that?

    FATHER JOE: I told you who I serve and my ordaining bishop was no excommunicant like your SSPX friends (at least until recently). Prayer is good, but I fear that yours are terribly misdirected. As a baby I was placed on the altar and the priest prayed that I might one day be a priest. After years of study and prayer, I stood before the altar and pledged my obedience to the archbishop (the late Cardinal Hickey) and all his lawful successors. I love the Lord and serve him through his people as a parish priest. But who are you to judge me? Have you ever offered Mass or the other sacraments? Did you dedicate a decade of your life to seminary formation? Have you been a priest for a quarter of a century? I have shared the joys and sorrows of God’s people. I have married couples, baptized their children, gave comfort to the dying and buried the dead. I will not brag about my record, but I suspect that the good Lord will find something pleasing in my stumbling steps to be his servant. I have given up a home and family of my own for service in his priesthood. Such are real sacrifices, but I guess they measure as nothing to you or your own merits, whatever they might be. May God forgive you.

    PLEASE NOTE that I had to delete your web address because it is a policy of mine not to link to heretical blogs or sites that are derogatory to the Catholic faith.

  12. or we could ask God to forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Na, too easy and would involve pride deflating humility.

  13. Dear Fr Joe,

    I doubt if I would have a problem with your Mass in English unless you too felt the need to allow hosts to drop to the floor, encouraged a general natter and get together before the start, promoted a policy of errant children, by the classfull, running riot during the service, suggested bringing in a full breakfast for fat parents to ensure the continuing fatness of their offspring, had a free for all with colouring books and crayons and all the argueing and bickering that ensues when badly behaved children are given free rein, insisted on talentless but misguided morons leading the congregation in pointless community singing accompanied by the cachophony of all manner of instruments specifically designed for anything other than church music and generally freaking out something that used to be sacred.

    I have finally found the courage to reject, totally, all unhealthy control techniques that have been used over the years as an adjunct to the abuse that I suffered, and the classic top of the list were:”Fear, Shame, and Guilt.” The Catholic Church, in particular, has used all 3 in abundance. Jesus never did. The Church of England used to fine its parishioners for non attendance on a Sunday. The Catholic Church has a trump to that atrocity, it promises the fires of Hell because to loose those members of the faithful means a loss of revenue.

    FATHER JOE: The precept of the Church was not intended to instill fear but to give guidance for our obedience to God. Going to Mass is how Catholics observe the commandment about keeping the Sabbath holy.

    We really must ask the question why there are falling members not only of the faithful but of those called to the priesthood. I recently attended a reunion of school boys who left the same year as I did some 45 years ago. There were a little over 40 of us and all were notionally Catholic while at that boarding school. One became a priest, was convicted of abusing children and is currently in prison. Another is serving time for murder, one is a sort of lay preacher in a rather odd sort of prostentanism, and apart from one other who like me considers himself still to be a catholic, all the others, that’s some 38 in total or about 90% have totally rejected catholicism.

    FATHER JOE: We do not live in a society that is readily conducive to faith. The message that we preach is often drowned out by secular culture and a hostile media. The weaknesses and sins of believers have not helped matters. Much damage is caused by bad example.

    You might well say:”many are called and few chosen”, but I would suggest that any religion based on control by fear, threat, punishment, shame and inappropriate guilt, especially one claiming to be founded by Jesus himself, can not endure nor continue to attract rational and liberated thinking humans.

    FATHER JOE: The Church is about the forgiveness of sins and the freedom of living in God’s grace. However, such mandates that we are honest about our faults. Repent and believe was the clarion call of St. John the Baptist and it will always be a prerequisite for genuine faith and discipleship. We sometimes feel guilty because we are guilty. It is important that we acknowledge this truth. Such is wholly different from false guilt or despair which is a violation of Christian hope. Loving your neighbor as you would love yourself does not work well where there is self-hatred.

    Yes, I am still a Catholic, I still believe that there is no salvation outside of Christ and for this catholic everyone, every created human, at his or her moment of death, will be given the opportunity to accept Jesus or reject Him just as the “good thief” did. The parable of the workers in the vinyard, told by Jesus to get over the important point, explains quite clearly that it’s not about building up brownie points throughout a life time of conformity and worn knees every Sunday and holyday and all days inbetween, it is based on our standing with Our Lord at that moment of death.

    FATHER JOE: The notion that salvation is based on a report card is not really the Catholic position. You cannot save yourself. Religious practice and penance is to help dispose us to God’s saving grace. But always it is a divine gratuity.

    I hope that I will still be His friend at that moment of my death, even if I am not particularly well received by my church because of my struggles with what I see as abuses, not only with the new rite, but with the methods used to ensure conformity.

    FATHER JOE: God knows our hearts as well as our foolishness.

    When the centurian said “Lord, I am not worthy…………….” Jesus was impressed by his faith, what He did not say to him is; “now you have to join my group and attend Mass every Sunday otherwise I’m going to send you to Hell.

    FATHER JOE: But that is not really the message of the Church, although certain Christians seem to delight in damning everyone who disagrees with them. The mission of the Church is to bring forgiveness and salvation to people’s lives, not condemnation. It may be that you were raised in a false and/or Jansenistic version of the faith, but you cannot target the entire Church for the heresies of a few or even local churches.

    Fr Joe, I do not choose to insult nor upset you, and my rejection of ‘going to Mass on a Sunday’ is specific to this area and my limited ability to travel. There are some lovely priests out there and there are some very misguided ones. One Priest locally is very misguided and not very nice, the other is misguided, very old, but lovely.

    FATHER JOE: Then I would suggest praying for them both, especially the mean one. As for the other, charity covers a multitude of sins, as my former Cardinal and archbishop used to say.

    Sometimes I can attend simply to worship my Maker and offer up the torments for the souls in purgatory, some Sundays I can not. However I categorically refuse to accept that some of what the church teaches as Mortal sin really will deserve the fires of Hell.

    FATHER JOE: Certain sins may be a “matter” of mortal sin but there is always a subjective element which affects the gravity of all sin… awareness, freedom, passion, coercion, sickness, weakness, etc.

    As a confessor you must surely hear the repeated struggles of the faithful who use contraception, who support homosexual marriage, who fail to remain free from masturbation, and so too those who, in their struggles, even refuse to avail themselves of that sacrament any longer. The church would condemn them to Hell fires………my God would not. Call me heretic or misguided, that’s OK. I just have a slightly different understanding of Jesus than does the Catholic Church Proper, and that’s based on my life experiences and not the pontifications of The Magisterium.

    FATHER JOE: You may indeed have a view of God and salvation that is at variance with the Church; however, the stance that you would impose upon the Church is not an accurate portrayal. I have to wonder if maybe your opinions are manipulated by your mood swings and personal struggles with depression? You see darkness where there is a great deal of light. You infer negative motives where the great commission of Christ and his Spirit are the driving forces of the Church. It is true that there are certain acts that can cost us our souls and breech our relationship with the Lord and his Church. At the same time, Christ is always seeking to bring us back home and he reveals himself as the Divine Mercy. The Church is a loving Mother. Just as a mother wants all her children to eat the meals she prepares so that they will grow up healthy and strong; Mother Church wants her children at the Eucharist in order that we might be nourished from the altar. The motivation in both cases is not a desire for power or control, but of love.

    With continuing love, Paul.

  14. Dear Fr. Joe,

    I know what the church has taught over the years and I also came up against some terrible abuses, and the mumbling of Mass in 12 minutes in Latin as well as the atrocities of hippy and folk masses in the vernacular, and I can no longer accept staying away from something I genuinely consider so far removed from the Holy Sacrifice as to be a sham in my understanding of what is required to ‘Keep the Sabbath Holy’. that I am unable to accept the mortal concept of any sin if indeed there is any sin at all.

    A bit like the SSPX, I am willing to take my chance with my maker and dismiss the fear and control that the hierarchy of the established church has abused to maintain the upper hand.

    The one thing that riled Jesus was the hypocrisy and abuse of position that the scribes and pharasies unfairly imposed on the ordinary members of the chosen race. The nearest real Mass is celebrated every Sunday but over 30 miles away and I really can not afford to attend that one, what happens within range is hardly a genuine Mass even if it conforms to the liberal interpretation of Vatican 2.

    You and I will undoubtedly differ on that one just as the SSPX claim no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, and I know we’ve heard all about the buddha on the altar of John Paul 2’s Mass, but he did rather suggest that every good person would untimately get to heaven anyway.

    There is a real difference between the behaviour of an adulterous husband, the murderer who kills a family, the banker who abuses his position of trust, the priest who abuses children, and my abstenence and my struggle to find a genuine Catholic Mass that sits well with my conscience.

    No amount of dogmatic definition by any priest, bishop or even pope will convince me that my sin of staying away from a travesty of the Holy Sacrifice is on a par with any of these real Mortal Sins, but then I might be wrong……..Jesus knows and he also knows very well just what my struggles are.

    One day all will be revealed, I put my trust and faith in the love and forgiveness of the founder of the Church rather than the men who control what is left of that church. There should be many priests and bishops trembling in fear of that judgement to come and I’ll join that queue and take my chance.

    Might see you there too!

    With love, Paul.


    I appreciate how your personal history informs your ideas and sentiments. But despite the sinfulness and weakness of men, our Lord established his shepherds around Peter and the Eucharist. The current Pope believes in freedom and wants traditionalists to co-exist in the Church with faithful Catholics who find the reformed rites efficacious. The trouble is abuse from the left and rigidity from the right. Despite a few bad men, priests are essentially healers.

    I guess you would not want to attend my Mass because it follows the revised Roman Missal, third edition. Such a sentiment is dangerous because repudiation of the reformed rite is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If the sacrifice of Jesus is re-presented and the body and blood of Christ consecrated, then who are you to say that it is not a real Mass? Forgive me for my attitude, but this attack against the great sacrament is highly offensive to me and is upsetting.

    Actually, the SSPX does not hold the position of Fr. Feeney; it is for that reason that I found the emphasis peculiar in their statement. Given your notions about sin, I doubt you agree with either of us. The teaching that “outside the Church there is no salvation” is a doctrine that comes down to us from the Fourth Lateran Council. The Church is the great mystery of salvation. However, the teaching must be understood as the Church, herself, understands it. When first promulgated, there were no Protestant churches. The problem is when critics say that all non-Catholics are necessarily damned. God saves whoever he wills. The Church prays for everyone. Who can know what is in a man’s heart and mind in his last moments in this world? The Pope has rightly taught the truth that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. There is no other way or bridge to the Father. A few years ago Pope Benedict XVI talked about this and many Jews got angry. But the Pope held his ground. Jesus is the fulfillment of the covenant. Jesus is the Messiah. All those who find themselves in heaven; it will be because of Christ and his mystical body, the Church.

    Yes, there is a difference in particular sins; but, mortal sin is mortal sin. A mountain climber might jump from one ledge to another; however, no matter if he comes up short by five feet or an inch, he will still fall to his death. A rightly formed conscienced is in sync with the truth.

    The Mass is an earthly and sacramental participation in the marriage banquet of heaven. This is at the heart as to why its neglect is a mortal sin. If you reject a foretaste of the heavenly kingdom, then it may turn out that it is not heaven you want at all.

    The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. At the altar, every priest acts in the person of Christ who is the head of the Church. Rejection of the priest and Eucharist is a repudiation of Christ, himself.

  15. The Vatican announced Thursday that they are still awaiting an official response from the SSPX as to the outcome of its general meeting. There was speculation that the SSPX would fragment and that only part of it would reconcile. The news so far seems to indicate that whatever decision is made will be done so by the complete body. This would seem to mean that Bishop Fellay will be overruled. The Holy See saw the problems before now and Pope Benedict XVI appointed the wonderful Dominican theologian, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, to take charge of negotiations for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He was one of my old seminary professors and a wonderful teacher. If there is any chance, he is the right man for the job.

    The Holy Father has also named Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Mueller of Regensburg, Germany, as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The SSPX were not happy about this and have labeled him a heretic for views about the Eucharistic real presence and inter-faith ecumenism. Bishop Mueller argued back in 2009 that he wanted the SSPX seminary in his diocese closed and thought the four SSPX bishops should resign and become simple priests “as part of the reparation for the damage that the schism has caused.”

  16. Vatican Waiting for an Official Word From Lefebvrians

    Holy See Has ‘Taken Note’ of Declaration From Society’s General Chapter

    VATICAN CITY, JULY 19, 2012 (Zenit.org).- The Vatican announced today that it is waiting for an official response from the Society of St. Pius X in the latest development in Benedict XVI’s ongoing attempt to bring the traditionalist society into communion with Rome.

    “The recently concluded General Chapter of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X has addressed a declaration regarding the possibility of a canonical normalisation in the relationship of the Society and the Holy See,” the Vatican statement noted. “While it has been made public, the declaration remains primarily an internal document for study and discussion among the members of the Society.

    “The Holy See has taken note of this declaration, but awaits the forthcoming official communication of the Priestly Society as their dialogue with the Pontifical Commission ‘Ecclesia Dei’ continues.”

    Various blogs have published translations of the SSPX declaration, which includes a reference to “all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council which remain tainted with errors.”

  17. Who are you to criticize the SSPX? As a Novus Ordo minister, you are NOT even a REAL PRIEST! Your trite songs and bankrupt liturgy means nothing to me and is an offense to God. Just look at the picnic tables where you offer false worship and compare it to the sublime mystery of the Tridentine liturgy at a proper high altar.

    You have women at the ambo, serving, and giving out communion. Their heads are not covered, their bosoms hang out and if they do not wear pants then they distract with skirts so short that the Mass becomes an occasion of sin for men. It sickens me and makes it hard to speak charitably. This is not my Church and this is not the real Mass.

    The Pope is a Modernist and no genuine Catholic will take orders from this antipope and heretic! A number of priests and the faithful were ready to defect from the SSPX if they were to contaminate themselves in formal affiliation with the pagan and pedophile Church masquerading as Catholic. Thank goodness more sober minds prevailed and the Modernists were told to go to hell. There will be no reconciliation until the heretics of Rome come back to TRADITION. We will not change! We will not surrender the truth! We will not compromise! Assurances that Vatican II must be interpreted in light of tradition are a sham and an evil ploy to seduce orthodox Catholics to the other side. Modernist Rome permits divorce and annulments to all who apply! Modernist Rome redefines the priest as a presider and party celebrant! Modernist Rome multiplies Eucharistic prayers that are politically correct and Protestant. The Novus Ordo waters down the sacrificial nature of a genuine Mass. Modernist Rome turns altars around and places the emphasis not on Jesus but upon the face of their narcissistic clergy! Modernist Rome places its communion host in the dirty and sweaty hands of congregants as if there is nothing sacred! (By the way, this also risks the theft of the charlatan sacrament.)

    The modern ordination rite is hollow and counterfeit. Now we have whole generations of fake priests and bishops who have no authority and have lost the sacrifice of the Mass. The Modernist Rome treats one religion like any other, as if it does not matter if one is a Roman Catholic or not! The Modernist Rome mingles with Protestants, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, and Atheists. Buddha finds a place on a so-called Catholic altar and a witch anoints the pope’s head with bird [expletive deleted]. The late pope also kissed the Koran, a book that espouses the murder of Catholics for the propagation of a false religion. How can anyone stand such apostasy?

    You should rename your blog. You are not FATHER JOE or BLOGGER PRIEST. You are PROTESTANT MINISTER JOE! You are BLOGGER APOSTATE! The Church might be reduced to a few hundred priests and a few thousand believers. But that is okay. The Church started small and she can grow from this seed. The Novus Ordo Church is dying. It is infiltrated by pedophiles and homosexuals. The four marks of this counterfeit Church are clear: DIVIDED, UNHOLY, PROTESTANT, and PAGAN.

    The SSPX today is the Roman Catholic Church. All others are outside the true Church. Novus Ordo Catholics have one foot in hell and commit mortal sin every time they go to their bastard Mass. Protestants are not in the true Church. Their baptism means nothing. But if they convert, you would not even offer them a genuine rebaptism. Sorry, but those who deliberately persist in such errors are not in the true Church and are outside the salvation for which Jesus died. Let me be blunt. Outside of the true Church there is NO SALVATION. The Protestant religion SAVES NO ONE! The covenant of the Jews has been replaced by that of Jesus. The old covenant of the law SAVES NO ONE! Moslems worship a false deity Allah and thus face DAMNATION! Hindus are like the ancient pagans and such false religion is an offense to God and brings DAMNATION! Along with the Buddhists, they are true idolaters and face DAMNATION!

    Wake up before it is too late!

    FATHER JOE: I have decided to allow this posted comment just as an illustration of what constitutes the problem with SSPX dialogue. You are wrong on just about everything. Hate pours out of every charge. Such sentiments as yours are not expressive of the Holy Spirit and are not Christlike. Given that you have closed your heart and mind to true dialogue, all we can do is pray for people like you.

  18. Thursday, July 19, 2012


    The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has accepted Vatican Council II in accord with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (1) in harmony with Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II. They have endorsed Vatican Council II according to Sacred Tradition. They can also cite reference texts from Vatican Council II to support their doctrinal position.

    FATHER JOE: Actually, the SSPX has again rejected Vatican II and the teachings on ecumenism and religious liberty. This is what they meant in their statement, not a full-blown acceptance of the Feeneyite position. Indeed, their official webpage still condemns it, as it should. It is sad that the SSPX seems unwilling or unable to make the distinctions or to see the nuances that make Vatican II compatible with tradition.

    They have rejected, as in the past, the liberal version of Vatican Council (2) whose adherents cannot cite any texts to support their interpretation which is a break, a rupture with tradition and magisterial documents.

    FATHER JOE: NO, they have rejected it altogether, not just in application but also at the root itself. This is a deal breaker for reconciliation.

    The SSPX is finally in a position to point out to their adversaries that there can be only one interpretation of the Council which can be supported by tradition. In this one interpretation AG 7 supports the dogma on exclusive salvation and LG 16 and LG 8 etc are not known exceptions to the dogma.

    FATHER JOE: Again, you are reading too much into it. You are fantasizing about what you would like to develop. Please get real.

    The SSPX has stated clearly that they have ‘faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation and no possibility of finding the means that lead to it’.

    FATHER JOE: The SSPX is right and wrong. They are wrong to reject the Pope’s offer, they are right that religious indifferentism (not taught by the Council) is a sin.

    There is no salvation outside the Church (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441, Vatican Council II (AG 7) etc) and that outside the Church there is even ‘no possibility of finding the means that lead to it’ i.e those saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience etc are accepted as possibilities known only to God and not possibilities which contradict the dogma on salvation, since these possibilities are not explicit for us. They are unknown to us humans.

    FATHER JOE: The SSPX does not hold your position. While it is true that the Church as the body of Christ is the mystery of salvation; in union with the Lord, she can reach out and claim those who suffer from an imperfect faith and defective affiliation.

    As for the liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II which is a rupture from the past the SSPX rejects ‘all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council that remain tainted with errors’ e.g theology of religions etc which are opposed by Vatican Council II (AG 7).

    FATHER JOE: We follow living Popes and a living Church, not dead Popes.

    They accept the Council and ‘the Society can only continue to abide by the statements and teachings of the constant Magisterium of the Church;’ which is in agreement with the Council and in accord with Tradition. It carries the hermeneutic of continuity. The SSPX ‘finds its guide in this uninterrupted Magisterium which, by its act of teaching, transmits the revealed deposit in perfect harmony with all that the whole Church has always believed, in every place’ and which is in agreement with Vatican Council II.–Lionel Andrades

    FATHER JOE: The “hermeneutic of continuity” is Pope Benedict XVI’s argument. The SSPX is not convinced. How can you so misread the news and the published statements? The SSPX see rupture and have made it clear that they do not accept the Vatican proposal of faith and the plan for regularization.

    The SSPX states:

    1. This is why its seems to us opportune to reaffirm our faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation and no possibility of finding the means that lead to it; in its monarchical constitution, willed by Our Lord, which means that the supreme power of governance over the whole Church belongs to the pope alone, the Vicar of Christ on earth; in the universal kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of the natural and supernatural order, to whom every human being and all society must submit.

    2. As for all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council that remain tainted with errors, and as for the reforms that have resulted from them, the Society can only continue to abide by the statements and teachings of the constant Magisterium of the Church; it finds its guide in this uninterrupted Magisterium which, by its act of teaching, transmits the revealed deposit in perfect harmony with all that the whole Church has always believed, in every place.

    Rome-SSPX: Declaration of the General Chapter of the Society of Saint Pius X sent to the Holy See

    As announced in the press communiqué of the Society of St. Pius X’s General House on July 14, 2012, the members of the General Chapter sent a common statement to Rome. It has been published today.



    The Society of St. Pius X communiqué is important for the Archdiocese of Boston which seems to be in a cover up of the Fr.Leonard Feeney case. The SSPX affirms the ‘rigorist interpretation’ of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was Fr. Leonard Feeney who also affirmed the literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation and said there were no known exceptions. There were no explicit exceptions.

    FATHER JOE: Some of us feel that the late priest got in trouble for loyalty to friends who promoted elements of his ideas. He felt responsible for them. He was censured not for heresy but for what was interepreted as an issue with obedience. He reconciled with the Church and died in good standing. The late Cardinal Dulles noted him as one of the influences toward his conversion and he spoke very fondly and favorably about his early mentor.

    The SSPX realizes that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are always unknown to us and so they cannot be an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma. This is the same position as the priest from Boston.

    FATHER JOE: Actually the SSPX position is more nuanced than you describe. It is rather peripheral to the current situation.

    It was the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing who came out with a theory of the explicitly known baptism of desire etc. which were supposed to be exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

    FATHER JOE: The notion of baptism by desire was not unique to Cardinal Cushing. It need not be interpreted as in conflict with the necessity of the Church for salvation or the imperative from Christ to proclaim the faith and to baptize in the name of the Trinity with water.

    Presently there are two questions being asked of the Archdiocese of Boston and no one is answering them.

    They perhaps know that if they answer those two questions it would result in the truth being known about the Fr. Leonard Feeney case. He was wrongly deprived of his priestly faculties for affirming the traditional teaching on the dogma and then he was excommunicated.

    FATHER JOE: His excommunication was for disobedience and not for heresy. However, there was a doctrinal issue at stake.

    He and other Catholic professors were dismissed from Boston College because of their traditional Catholic views on outside the church no salvation.

    Even until today the secular media refers to the baptism of desire being an exception and they claim Fr. Leonard Feeney is in heresy.

    The SSPX communiqué has reaffirmed faith in the Catholic Church and the dogma and also clarified that there is no ‘… possibility to find the means leading to salvation’ outside the Church.

    FATHER JOE: If such were true then why does the official SSPX website still criticize Father Feeney and his disciples? You read too much into the announcement. So as to separate themselves from people of your ilk, their site states: “Many of our friends have heard of Fr. Leonard Feeney, and some of them have a great esteem for this priest who fought against the liberal ecumenism by recalling again and again that outside the Church there is no salvation. But, to make his point, Fr. Feeney went so far as to exclude Baptism of desire (and martyrdom) from the means of salvation. His teaching was then condemned by the Holy Office in 1949, and he himself was excommunicated in 1953. It should be sufficient to recall that this happened under the pontificate of the saintly Pope Pius XII, and that the letter of the Holy Office was signed by Cardinal Ottaviani, who was not a liberal either. However, certain good Catholics still try to exculpate Fr. Feeney by saying that the Holy See was misinformed, etc. Well, we have just to open his book The Bread of Life (first published in l952), to see that his doctrine contradicts the Church’s teaching. Let St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest theologian the Church has ever known, be the witness for the prosecution. His Summa Theologica [ST] is the reference book that all seminarians (Fr. Feeney not excepted) had to study according to the directives of St. Pius X and the 1917 Code of Canon Law.”

    They are saying like Vatican Council II that all non Catholics need to enter the Church with Catholics Faith and the baptism of water for salvation and there are no known exceptions; Lumen Gentium 16 and Lumen Gentium 8 are not explicit exceptions to the dogma and neither are they exceptions to Ad Gentes 7.-Lionel Andrades

    FATHER JOE: Sorry, but you read too much into a few words. Such will embarass you as clarifications are made.


    The crisis of Father Feeney brought to ecclesial scrutiny the issue of baptism and salvation prior to the Second Vatican Council. The Church had always had a special regard for catechumens, especially those who were martyred for the faith before water baptism. Baptism by blood was thought of as a special case. Beyond this, the Church has also elaborated upon various levels of baptism by desire.

    Speaking of two dogmas Pope Pius IX states: “We know and you know that those who are invincibly ignorant of our most holy Religion, and who, carefully observing the Natural Law and its precepts, placed by God into the hearts of all men, and being disposed to obey God, lead an honest and upright life, can, with the help of Divine Light and Grace, merit eternal life; for God, Who has perfect knowledge, examines and judges the minds, the souls, the thoughts and the deeds of all men, and He does not permit, in His sovereign Goodness and Mercy, any men not culpable of willful sin to be punished with eternal torment. But this Catholic Dogma is equally well known: That no one can be saved outside the Catholic Church, and those who knowingly rebel against the teaching and the authority of the Church cannot obtain eternal salvation, nor can those who willfully separate themselves from union with the Church and with the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, to whom the Savior has entrusted the safe-keeping of His vineyard” (QUANTO CONFICIAMUR MOERORE).

    Catechism of the Council of Trent (McHugh-Callan edition): “Should any unforeseen accident make it impossible for adults to be washed in the salutary waters, their intention and determination to receive Baptism and their repentance for past sins, will avail them to grace and righteousness” (page 179).

    The new universal catechism would go further today in talking about baptism by desire and the plight of those not formally incorporated into the Catholic Church. The catechism states that “every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and His Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with His understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity” [CCC 1260]. Citing Lumen Gentium 16, the catechism also teaches that “Those who die for the faith, those who are catechumens, and all those who, without knowing of the Church but acting under the inspiration of grace, seek God sincerely and strive to fulfill his will, can be saved even if they have not been baptized” [CCC 1281]. Note that it says “can be” and not “will be” saved. Salvation is entirely God’s gratuity to us. He saves whoever he wills to save. The saving faith of baptized Catholics can be forfeited by mortal sin. The teaching from the catechism which informs the rest on this question is CCC 1257: “The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation. He also commands his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize them. Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament. The Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal beatitude; this is why she takes care not to neglect the mission she has received from the Lord to see that all who can be baptized are ‘reborn of water and the Spirit.’ God has bound salvation to the sacrament of Baptism, but he himself is not bound by his sacraments.”

    My sentiments on this question would be the same generally as Pope Pius XII in his encyclical MYSTICI CORPORIS #103: “As you know, Venerable Brethren, from the very beginning of Our Pontificate, We have committed to the protection and guidance of heaven those who do not belong to the visible Body of the Catholic Church, solemnly declaring that after the example of the Good Shepherd We desire nothing more ardently than that they may have life and have it more abundantly. Imploring the prayers of the whole Church We wish to repeat this solemn declaration in this Encyclical Letter in which We have proclaimed the praises of the ‘great and glorious Body of Christ’ and from a heart overflowing with love We ask each and every one of them to correspond to the interior movements of grace, and to seek to withdraw from that state in which they cannot be sure of their salvation. For even though by an unconscious desire and longing they have a certain relationship with the Mystical Body of the Redeemer, they still remain deprived of those many heavenly gifts and helps which can only be enjoyed in the Catholic Church. Therefore may they enter into Catholic unity and, joined with Us in the one, organic Body of Jesus Christ, may they together with us run on to the one Head in the Society of glorious love. Persevering in prayer to the Spirit of love and truth, We wait for them with open and outstretched arms to come not to a stranger’s house, but to their own, their Father’s home.”

    Dear Fr.Joe,

    Perhaps you have already answered these two questions. However could you kindly clarify it once again?

    1) Do we personally know the dead saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) etc ? (No)

    FATHER JOE: I am not sure what your question is asking. Except for a few canonized saints, we do not know precisely who is in heaven, purgatory and hell. The fact that a person may be a baptized Catholic will not guarantee him or her a place in heaven. We live in the hope of ultimate salvation. We pray that our faith will not sour.

    2) Since we do not know any of these cases, there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?(Yes)


    It is not for God’s creatures to hold back God’s hand or to restrict his grace and mercy. Knowing particular cases would require that we know God’s mind about individuals. While saints are raised up and validated by the miraculous, such is a gratuity for our edification and not because of divine necessity. We know there is a hell but the Church refrains from trying to list the poor souls who suffer there.

    We trust that the righteous dead to whom Jesus descended after his death now have a place in heaven. Similarly the good thief on the cross has a place with our Lord, just as he promised. Of course, he died not for Christ but because he was a criminal. He professed faith in Jesus, although he knew nothing of the catechism and probably had only a vague notion about Christ’s full identity. He was also not baptized with water.

    No one doubts the exception that our Lord made for his apostles. At the Last Supper when Jesus says “do this in remembrance of me,” he institutes the Eucharist but also confers Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders upon his apostles.

    The subject of ignorance is particularly pertinent with the problem of unbaptized children and particularly those who die in abortion or miscarriage. The scholastics theorized a limbo of the innocent but many of the early fathers like St. Augustine presumed that they were destined to hell. The Church ponders such questions and hopefully the deposit of faith becomes clearer over time and in the interpretation given by the Magisterium which functions under the protection of the Holy Spirit.

    The feast of the Holy Innocents has caused a great number of theologians sleepless nights because these children are ranked as martyrs. However, they died before the age of reason and prior to the institution of the sacraments. Would we argue that the possibility of salvation is more difficult after the Christian dispensation than before? If so, what would that say about the mercy of God?

    I am not a good enough theologian to make up things. I prefer to accept what the living Catholic Church teaches. She alone has the right and the tools to interpret past Magisterial assertions and to make the application for today. I am a particular fan of Pope Pius X and Pope Pius XII but place my confidence and obedience in Pope Benedict XVI.

    If the Letter of the Holy Office made a mistake to assume that those saved with implicit desire etc are explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus then an injustice was done to Fr. Leonard Feeney in Boston.

    In Christ


    Fr. Feeney was never a pope. If we make too much of certain ideas ascribed to him, then we will find ourselves in trouble with the Church, herself. We trust the Church, not the SSPX and definitely not a few Feeneyites in the U.S. I have a favorite saying, “The Church follows living popes, not dead ones.” Well, this is even more true regarding those who were not in the Magisterium (like the priest in question) or those bishops not in genuine union with the Holy See. Fr. Feeney was a good man and a wonderful writer and teacher. But he got himself into trouble. Fortunately, his standing was repaired before he died.

    I will repeat the words of another pope as I end, Pope Pius IX: “We know and you know that those who are invincibly ignorant of our most holy Religion, and who, carefully observing the Natural Law and its precepts, placed by God into the hearts of all men, and being disposed to obey God, lead an honest and upright life, can, with the help of Divine Light and Grace, merit eternal life; for God, Who has perfect knowledge, examines and judges the minds, the souls, the thoughts and the deeds of all men, and He does not permit, in His sovereign Goodness and Mercy, any men not culpable of willful sin to be punished with eternal torment. But this Catholic Dogma is equally well known: That no one can be saved outside the Catholic Church, and those who knowingly rebel against the teaching and the authority of the Church cannot obtain eternal salvation, nor can those who willfully separate themselves from union with the Church and with the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, to whom the Savior has entrusted the safe-keeping of His vineyard” (QUANTO CONFICIAMUR MOERORE).

    Would you contradict both dead and living popes? I hope not. It would be harder for you to plead ignorance. Peace!

    Dear Fr.Joe,

    Thank you for your answer to the first question.

    Yes obviously we do not know in general the people who are dead and in Heaven. We cannot see them or speak to them.

    FATHER JOE: Actually while we are forbidden to practice any form of necromancy, it is the tradition of the Church that God permits in some fashion that our prayers might be heard by the saints. Similarly, they are aware of us and can pray for us in return. In this sense, we can speak to the dead.

    So while we accept in theory and in faith that there can be people saved in invincible ignorance and implicit desire we do know know personally, explciitly any such case.

    FATHER JOE: Placing our trust in the Lord and in his Magisterium, we take many things by faith. I have already noted exceptions to the rule about water baptism: the ordination of the first apostles at the Last Supper, the righteous dead who awaited Christ in the limbo of the fathers (which included Gentiles), the good thief on the cross and the Holy Innocents murdered in Christ’s stead. Of course, the most singular exception was the Blessed Mother and her Immaculate Conception.

    So when the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus says every one needs to convert into the Church for salvation we do not know any exceptions. None.

    FATHER JOE: No one is saved apart from Christ and his Church; however, it is not for us to judge who might not be saved. Indeed, it would be the sin of presumption to contend that our own salvation is assured. The teaching of Lumen Gentium and Pope Pius IX is not disproven because we do not know for sure about the eternal destiny of the poor native who died on a remote island never having heard the name of Christ. As for Protestants, the fact that we accept their baptism shows at least a remote affilitaion with the Church. Baptism cannot be repeated and so when Protestants become Catholic there is an Act of Reception (not baptism), Confirmation and Holy Communion.

    Similarly when Ad Gentes 7 says that all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation we do not know any exceptions. None. Would you agree?


    No, this is not what Ad Gentes says. While affirming the role of Christ and his Church, we also read: “‘Therefore those men cannot be saved, WHO THOUGH AWARE THAT GOD, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it.’ Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6), yet a necessity lies upon the Church (1 Cor. 9:16), and at the same time a sacred duty, to preach the Gospel. And hence missionary activity today as always retains its power and necessity.” The person who is aware that Jesus is God and that he instituted the Catholic Church as the true Church for our salvation must by necessity join that Church. But this leaves open the situation of ignorance of those who have not arrived at this truth.

    A document must be read in whole and not in a piecemeal fashion, using isolated sentences as proof texts. Look at Ad Gentes 15: “The ecumenical spirit should be nurtured in the neophytes, who should take into account that the brethren who believe in Christ are Christ’s disciples, reborn in baptism, sharers with the People of God in very many good things. Insofar as religious conditions allow, ecumenical activity – should be furthered in such a way that, excluding any appearance of indifference or confusion on the one hand, or of unhealthy rivalry on the other, Catholics should cooperate in a brotherly spirit with their separated brethren, among to the norms of the Decree on Ecumenism, making before the nations a common profession of faith, insofar as their beliefs are common, in God and in Jesus Christ, and cooperating in social and in technical projects as well as in cultural and religious ones. Let them cooperate especially for the sake of Christ, their common Lord: let His Name be the bond that unites them! This cooperation should be undertaken not only among private persons, but also, subject to approval by the local Ordinary, among churches or ecclesial communities and their works.”

    FATHER JOE: No one is saved apart from Christ and his Church; however, it is not for us to judge who might not be saved.

    The defined dogma on “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” says all need convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.

    FATHER JOE: No, all it says is that none are saved apart from the Church. The fact that the Church prays for non-Catholics and even non-Christians shows that her intercession reaches beyond her defined boundaries. We know that everything necessary for salvation “subsists” in the Catholic Church.

    So this is a de fide teaching that everyone needs to enter the Church for salvation (to avoid Hell).


    I have already remarked that we leave judgment to God. The Church does not demand that God should damn all non-Catholics. The teaching about the salvific nature of the Church simply means that our Lord established one Church and that Church as his mystical body is the means by which the graces merited by Christ are distributed to the faithful.

    Look at the universal catechism for further explication (CCC 846-848, 851). What does the Church understand by the teaching that “Outside the Church there is no Salvation”? “Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body: ‘Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it’ (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 14). This affirmation is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and His Church: ‘Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience — those too may achieve eternal salvation’ (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 16). ‘Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him (Hebrews 11:6), the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men” (Second Vatican Council, Ad Gentes, 1).

    You have agreed above that we do not know any exceptions. Lumen Gentium no where says that we know any of these cases or that the dogma or AG 7 is contradicted. So the teaching of the Church after Vatican Council II is still the same. Similarly when Ad Gentes 7 says that all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation we do not know any exceptions. None. Would you agree?


    Where did I say that I agree with you? My contention is that such is a false question and argument. The issue is what does the Magisterium teach? By this I mean the current Pope. The business of an Eternal Rome is a myth that traditionalist dissenters pose against the living Church, as if the Spirit of God has somehow abandoned the Church leadership in the present. I find such to be a horrendous and heretical notion that undermines the whole notion of a Petrine ministry. Vatican II is an expression of the world’s bishops in union with the Holy Father. By definition, such gatherings and their pronouncements cannot be dismissed with impunity. You must understand the tradition and the Church’s documents as she, herself, understands them. Certain traditionalists are very much like Protestant fundamentalists in that they isolate and privatize their interpretation of teachings, either from Scripture or from various documents issued from the historical Magisterium. The only authority that has the right to interpret these sources is the Magisterium itself, particularly the Pope.

    You are essentially saying that every Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist and any other Protestant is necessarily and definitively damned to hell. This is not how the Church understands herself as the sacrament of salvation. We witness the truth in the world and invoke the grace of God that makes conversion possible.

    The Church’s faith is also affirmed by the liturgy. Look at the petitions in the Good Friday service. About Protestants, the priest prays, “Almighty ever-living God, who gather what is scattered and keep together what you have gathered, look kindly on the flock of your Son, that those whom one Baptism has consecrated may be joined together by integrity of faith and united in the bond of charity.” A common belief and love of Christ is geared toward proper discipleship and further union. About the Jews, we pray, “also for the Jewish people, to whom the Lord our God spoke first, that he may grant them to advance in love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant.”

    When it comes to Ad Gentes 7, you must not omit the words, “WHO THOUGH AWARE THAT GOD.” Your persistence in doing so is intellectual dishonesty. He is making room for ignorance or lack of awareness. The Pope’s words are qualified. You cannot dissect what you like and ignore the rest. You would impoverish an important teaching. Distinctions are important and are the difference between Church orthodoxy and the opposing heresy proposed by some of Feeney’s disciples.

    At this point you essentially repeat my quotations but seem unable to appreciate how they challenge your presuppositions. Just saying that “you” see no exceptions is no argument. As a Catholic you must assent to the Church’s teaching. Since nothing is added to the discussion, I have deleted what follows. You just repeated yourself over and over. That is not a real debate. Nothing of value is added. Look to the texts and obey the Pope. Avoid dissension and controversy. Worry more about your own salvation and give good witness. Castigating others as damned will make few or no converts.

    Fr. Joe,
    You have agreed with me that we do not know any of the dead on earth. Yes?

    FATHER JOE: I have no idea what you are trying to say. We know the saints and can ask them to pray for us. We can pray for the dead in Purgatory.

    We are not ‘spotters,’ we cannot spot people on earth saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance.


    I have already told you twice that this is a non-argument. You cannot base a denial of baptism by desire or impugn the significance of invincible ignorance just because we do not have a clear window to the afterlife. Are you telling me that you reject the teaching of the universal catechism and the recent Popes, pre- and post-Vatican II? How much must we spell this out for you?

    Letter from the Holy Office from 1949 approved by Pope Pius XII:

    “In His infinite mercy God has willed that the effects, necessary for one to be saved, of those helps to salvation which are directed toward man’s final end, not by intrinsic necessity, but only by divine institution, CAN ALSO BE OBTAINED in certain circumstances when those helps are used ONLY IN DESIRE AND LONGING.”


    However, this desire need not always be explicit, as it is in catechumens; but WHEN A PERSON IS INVOLVED IN INVINCIBLE IGNORANCE, GOD ACCEPTS ALSO AN IMPLICIT DESIRE, so called because it is included in that good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God.

    I tire of repeating myself. If you look at my other responses you will find further citations that affirm the Catholic teaching from which you dissent.

    Do you accept what this letter stipulates? You have ignored the meat of previous quotations posted to this discussion. You simply ignore them and misrepresent Lumen Gentium. Either you do not have the intellectual tools for this discussion or you are intellectually dishonest.

    Those saved in invincible ignorance etc. are known as possibilities in Heaven and not actualities known on earth. They are accepted as possibilities being in Heaven and not as possibilities on earth. If they are in Heaven they cannot be physically on earth.

    FATHER JOE: Huh? All we know in this world are possibilities. There are no possibilities in heaven as all hopes will be realized. Your reasoning is confused and now you are inadvertently subverting Catholic doctrine about the last things (eschatology).

    So we have agreed on this post that we do not know the dead. Since we do not know the dead how can there be any known, explicit salvation to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

    FATHER JOE: No, we do not agree. The assertion has no bearing on the question of salvation— either ours as baptized Catholics or those who would not be damned for invincible ignorance, or possibly saved through baptism by desire or by blood. You are trying to measure something that has no quantitative dimension.

    If the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which you have quoted assumes that those saved with an implicit desire etc are explicit exceptions to the dogma then is this not irrational. Are they not contradicting us?

    FATHER JOE: Is that the only answer you can make? Because you do not understand it, you are willing to subvert the Holy Office and the teaching authority of the Pope? Who do you think you are? It is quite rational and well nuanced. The Cardinal who composed it said that Pope Pius XII reviewed the letter, agreed with its contents and ordered that it be distributed. Are you saying that the Vicar of Christ is irrational? I believe the late Pope Pius XII was a wise and saintly Pope.

    I am a Catholic and not a member of the SSPX with whom I sympathize.

    FATHER JOE: Are you a Feeneyite then? A loyal Catholic places his trust in the true Church, not in pope wannabees and separatist religious movements, traditional or not. In any case, I save my sympathies for the poor Pope who suffers much because of the arrogant intransigence and willful disobedience of dissenters.


    Are you a Feneyite? As for the Feeneyite “heresy,” although that is a strong term for what was an error in degree and not in substance, the Holy Office responded in 1949. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani’s letter (protocol # 122/49) should have settled matters. Pope Pius XII reviewed and gave it his approval. Vatican II essentially offers the same teaching. He writes:

    Now, among those things which the Church has always preached and will never cease to preach is contained also that infallible statement by which we are taught that there is no salvation outside the Church. However, this dogma must be understood in that sense in which the Church herself understands it.

    …no one will be saved who, knowing the Church to have been divinely established by Christ, nevertheless refuses to submit to the Church or withholds obedience from the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth.

    In His infinite mercy God has willed that the effects, necessary for one to be saved, of those helps to salvation which are directed toward man’s final end, not by intrinsic necessity, but only by divine institution, can also be obtained in certain circumstances when those helps are used only in desire and longing. This we see clearly stated in the Sacred Council of Trent, both in reference to the Sacrament of Regeneration and in reference to the Sacraments of Penance (Denziger, nn. 797, 807).

    The same in its own degree must be asserted of the Church, in as far as she is the general help to salvation. Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member, but it is necessary that at least he be united to her by desire and longing.

    However, this desire need not always be explicit, as it is in catechumens; but when a person is involved in invincible ignorance, God accepts also an implicit desire, so called because it is included in that good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God.

    These things are clearly taught in that dogmatic letter which was issued by the Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Pius XII, on June 29, 1943, “On the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ.” (AAS, Vol. 35, an. 1943, p. 193 ff.) For in this letter the Sovereign Pontiff clearly distinguishes between those who are actually incorporated into the Church as members, and those who are united to the Church only by desire.

    Toward the end of this same Encyclical Letter, when most affectionately inviting to unity those who do not belong to the body of the Catholic Church, he mentions those who “are related to the Mystical Body of the Redeemer by a certain unconscious yearning and desire,” and these he by no means excludes from eternal salvation, but on the other hand states that they are in a condition ” in which they cannot be sure of their salvation” since “they still remain deprived of those many heavenly gifts and helps which can only be enjoyed in the Catholic Church” (AAS, loc. cit., 342)

    With these wise words he reproves both those who exclude from eternal salvation all united to the Church only by implicit desire, and those who falsely assert that men can be saved equally well in every religion (cf. Pope Pius IX, Allocution “Singulari quadam,” in Denziger, nn. 1641, ff. – also Pope Pius IX in the Encyclical Letter “Quanto conficiamur mœrore” in Denzinger, n. 1677).

    But it must not be thought that any kind of desire of entering the Church suffices that one may be saved. It is necessary that the desire by which one is related to the Church be animated by perfect charity. Nor can an implicit desire produce its effect, unless a person has supernatural faith: “For he who comes to God must believe that God exists and is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews, 11:6). The Council of Trent declares (Session VI, chap. 8): “Faith is the beginning of man’s salvation, the foundation and root of all justification, without which it is impossible to please God and attain to fellowship of His children” (Denz., n. 801)

    Therefore, let them who in grave peril are ranged against the Church seriously bear in mind that after “Rome has spoken” they cannot be excused even by reasons of good faith. Certainly, their bond and duty of obedience toward the Church is much graver than that of those who as yet are related to the Church “only by an unconscious desire.” Let them realize that they are children of the Church, lovingly nourished by her with the milk of doctrine and the sacraments, and hence, having heard the clear voice of their Mother, they cannot be excused from culpable ignorance, and therefore to them applies without any restriction that principle: submission to the Catholic Church and to the Sovereign Pontiff is required as necessary for salvation.

    The Holy Spirit was invoked by all the world’s bishops at Vatican II. The Pope confirmed the council. You might not like everything the Pope says and does. There might be some teachings hard for you to understand and follow. But correctly understood, these teachings are binding upon all who would be Catholics. You seem neither to trust the Holy Spirit in regards to conciliar teaching nor in reference to the divine protection of infallibility given the Pope. The problem is yours, not mine. I assent. You dissent. It is very simple and thus very tragic.

  19. Dear Fr Joe,

    Some of the Apostles went up to Jesus and told Him that there were some others casting out demons in His name and they tried to stop them as they were not from their group.

    Now what did Jesus tell them?……………..He said “Do not stop them; those who are not against us are for us”.

    If anyone were to dare to tell the truth then the Protestants are very much opposed to the idea of our Magisterium, and not only that they refuse to even accept 5 of our sacraments and yet many ‘modern’ catholics even break bread with these heretics.

    FATHER JOE: Yes, but there has been some consensus in dialogue with Protestants about the need for a Magisterium, especially with mainline churches. However, such is insufficient for juridical union.

    If 60 million people say a foolish thing then it’s still a foolish thing, but if everyone in a marching army is out of step except my little Jonny then perhaps I should look to see if my perception of my little Jonny is wrong.

    FATHER JOE: The analogy only works if little Johnny is the Pope.

    We claim unity with the Orthodox Churches, or at least some of them, and yet they are very different in their ceremonies and their disciplines.

    FATHER JOE: Actually we have union with some of the Eastern rites, but there is no juridical union with the Eastern Orthodox churches even though they have valid sacraments.

    It’s easy for the ‘modernists’ to knock the SSPX, and it’s not the first time the church has been at odds with the Pope, indeed we had three popes all claiming their right to govern at the same time, and a terrible corruption of several popes during the Medicci times with sons of popes being given positions within the hierarchy, so we can hardly claim a sterile and holy heritage for much of our history. even Peter and Paul argued about certain ‘important’ issues in the early church.

    FATHER JOE: Anti-popes are not true popes. The gravity is still with Peter and today he is embodied by Pope Benedict XVI. The Holy Spirit protects the Magisterium. The Pope is infallible in regards to faith and morals. The bishops must teach and rule in union with him. When one stops believing this, one becomes a Protestant.

    There was even a bizarre conversation on another catholic blog site where a so called expert told a troubled catholic that they had not made a valid confession because the priest said: “I forgive you of your sins” rather than “I absolve you from your sins”………………….moat in the eye seems to spring to mind.

    FATHER JOE: Actually, the priest is NOT free to change the absolution formula. It would be like altering the proscribed formula for consecration at Mass. The penitent should indeed go to another priest for Confession.

    I love the traditional Mass, the Mass that I grew up with, I hate what passes as a Valid Mass in the vernacular with screaming kids running around, erstwhile morons bashing seven bales out of a badly tuned guitar and teddybears and pasta being presented at the ‘high’ altar at the canon of the sacrament while the congregation enjoy a chinwag and errant children are stuffed with food brought in to make them fatter and appease their appetite for entertainment and distraction.

    FATHER JOE: The traditional Mass can be beautiful and it can be terrible. Screaming babies are an infliction to both the old and the new forms of the Roman Rite. Altar servers might be well trained or they might be mumbling gibberish. Priests can rattle off prayers and do so with little or no regard to their meaning. There is no magic to Latin. Neither the old nor the new form should be embraced as an entertainment, beautiful music or not. We should not define the value of a liturgy by abuses. Indeed, one critic argued that he so hated the ugliness of the new form of Mass that it forced him to better concentrate upon the ultimate meaning of the liturgy as a worship of God and not a source of simple personal satisfaction. Do not get me wrong. I fully agree with the Holy Father for allowing a more free and full use of the 1962 ritual. I believe in freedom. Of course, I would also want to preserve the right of saying the reformed ritual which spiritually feeds me and most practicing Catholics today.

    I stay away because I would rather endure the fires of purgatory than the purgatorial torments of the modern mass in these parts.

    With love, Paul

    FATHER JOE: Actually, missing Mass on Sunday merits not the fires of purgatory but as mortal sin, those of hell. Be careful, my friend.

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