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    Fr. Joseph Jenkins

  • The blog header depicts an important and yet mis-understood New Testament scene, Jesus flogging the money-changers out of the temple. I selected it because the faith that gives us consolation can also make us very uncomfortable. Both Divine Mercy and Divine Justice meet in Jesus. Priests are ministers of reconciliation, but never at the cost of truth. In or out of season, we must be courageous in preaching and living out the Gospel of Life. The title of my blog is a play on words, not Flogger Priest but Blogger Priest.

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What Makes You So Sure That There’s Only One God?

Krystal Smith poses this question at STAPLER CONFESSIONS and states: “Most believers take the Bible or whatever their religious text may be as absolute truth. This is a matter of faith, something that atheists often have a hard time understanding or relating to.  Atheists often point out the unknowable nature of an all powerful creator or concept of God or many gods. Without scientific proof, they find it illogical to believe so strongly in something that plays such an important role.”

Critics of Scripture often play fast and loose with how Christian believers regard and use the Bible.  But of course, there is no unanimity between believers either. Protestant fundamentalists who believe in the Bible alone are a far cry away from Catholic integralists who interpret the Bible against the horizon of Sacred Tradition. There is also the tension between private interpretation and magisterial teaching authority.  The issue is not just that atheists reject “the book,” but they general question any supposed revelation or communication from God as either delusion or as deception.  Many refuse to seriously consider the arguments of either theologians or philosophers.  If God cannot be shown through their microscopes or telescopes, then no ground is given for his existence. 

While the atheist may find it illogical to believe in a “God” proclaimed from a book and not proven from science to his satisfaction, there may be far more anxiety with the prospect that we are alone and unloved in this vast universe. It is here that Pascal’s wager speaks to the agnostic. Pascal argued that if you believe in God and this truth should be realized, then you win everything. Whereas if he does not exist, then you have lost nothing regardless of your stance. While insightful, this approach is unsatisfactory for the believer because faith is about more than hedging your bets.    

The atheist narrows truth to the scientific and even that is restricted by their bias.  They make no distinction between the belief of one God and the notion of multiple deities.  However, Christians, Jews and Moslems insist that there is a God and he is ONE. True, Christians speak of a Trinity, but he is defined as one divine nature in three divine Persons.  The multiple deities of ancient pagans and the present-day Hindus are treated as idolatry and superstition.  Here we would agree with atheists. There are indeed counterfeit religions and false gods. The early Christians regarded the pagan gods as demons in disguise.  The Judaeo-Christian appreciation of one God signified a step forward to true religion and away from magic.

The pagan gods often behaved badly, and some were not even regarded as immortal.  They were more like the Marvel comics vision of such gods as super-powerful aliens.  Look at how Catholicism defines and speaks about God. He has within himself all perfections and is the Creator of all things.  You cannot have two omnipotent beings because such would cancel each other out.  God is perfect and that means he must logically be simple or one.  All creatures receive their existence from God or participate or share in his existence.  Nothing can exist apart from him. He keeps all things in being.

While we do not see God face-to-face, we know him in the created order from his effects. Revealing himself to us in salvation history, the God of reason becomes the God of faith.  He wants to establish a relationship with us. Sacred signs or miracles are performed to help our unbelief.