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    Fr. Joseph Jenkins

  • The blog header depicts an important and yet mis-understood New Testament scene, Jesus flogging the money-changers out of the temple. I selected it because the faith that gives us consolation can also make us very uncomfortable. Both Divine Mercy and Divine Justice meet in Jesus. Priests are ministers of reconciliation, but never at the cost of truth. In or out of season, we must be courageous in preaching and living out the Gospel of Life. The title of my blog is a play on words, not Flogger Priest but Blogger Priest.

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5,275 Responses

  1. Hello, Father,

    I’ve recently come across various discussions online regarding the ongoing Synod of Synodality. Although I know there’s often a lot of misinformation about these kinds of controversial topics, I must say I am slightly worried about the issues ostensibly on the table for discussion at the synod, namely the blessing of same-sex unions and the possibility of female clergy. I shudder at the thought of a Church-convened meeting such as this actually endorsing these ideas, especially since I have seen that priests or bishops who support these things were actually invited by the Pope himself. My question is this: were the Synod to advocate for progressing forward with these items, would anything actually happen? Do Synods hold any authority in and of themselves? A follow up question is would the Church even be able to implement these “reforms”? I’ve seen that churches in Germany have blessed same-sex unions, but nothing seems to have been done about it. I worry about slippery slopes.

    FATHER JOE: I tend to steer away the steep ledges. Despite all the clamor, I suspect little will come of the synod. Certain matters are not open to change. As for certain German bishops, there is a need for discipline in the Church. Some shepherds are acting like wolves. I would argue that those that will not return to orthodoxy should be removed. But who am I? Just a nobody Father Joe.

  2. Hi Father Joe,

    I have some concerns regarding possible cursed object. It’s just a regular object, though human looking (statue/doll).
    As a preface, I do have OCD and scrupulosity, so this might stem from that. However, if possible please answer my question as theoretical.

    1. Can a cursed object curse another object if that is touched to it?
    2. Can a sacramental (rosary, palm from Palm Sunday) be cursed if it was mishandled, hence profaned due to mishandling, deliberate or not? Especially in relations to question 1? Because I was putting sacramentals around it in hopes to “suppress” the curse, though now in hindsight seems like it was a bad idea.

    Thank you Father, and God bless! I do apologize if this is superstition-ish.


    A curse is essentially a malediction. Note that when Jesus curses a fig tree we are later told it withers or dies. Historically there have been churchmen who have declared certain persons as accursed by God, and yet they are not really invoking the curse but rather acknowledging the evil that the person has brought upon themselves. Of course, there are ecclesial censures like interdiction and excommunication that are negative in nature. Generally it is sinful to curse or to wish ill-will upon another. That is why it is wrong to invoke God’s name and to damn someone. It is blasphemy because God is not a genie to do our bidding. He saves or condemns whomever he wills. All sovereignty is his.

    As for objects, just as we as believers can employ blessed sacramentals; those who practice the occult might utilize a cursed talisman or arcane objects to invoke bad fortune upon others. While many Christians deny such a possibility, Catholicism does not deny that persons, places or things can be cursed. Obviously God would not will to commit evil so such an invocation would find its source in the demonic. Certain cursed objects are best destroyed by fire. Persons and places can be spiritually cleansed through deliverance prayer or exorcism. Holy objects can be desecrated and need a blessing or a new consecration to the Lord.

    Many people find dolls unsettling because of the human likeness. But this does not mean they are cursed. Can one cursed object curse another? It has to do with intent, either human or demonic. Think of it in terms of sin. We are to avoid persons, places or things that would tempt us into evil. You can become infected by bad companions. There are some places where good Christians should not go. There are certain things, from the occult to pornography that should not be in our possession.

    As with an altar, sacramentals can be desecrated by misuse. However, a Catholic sacramental like an altar, crucifix, rosary, blessed palm, holy water is reserved for God’s purposes and are not generally open to the malediction. However, blasphemous desecration is possible. We should not use sacramentals in a superstitious manner. Neither should they be reduced to costume jewelry. They are invoked in faith and prayer. If you suspect that a catholic sacramental has been misused then have it blessed by a priest and then use it in prayer. Both the blessing and Christian prayer makes it impossible for a curse to attach itself. The devil always flees the presence of the Lord.

  3. I am in love with a married man. And I am only sorry for him not talking to me anymore.

    I fell in love when I was working for him. Well, before. I had to work hard to get into that company when I knew he was working there. I thought he only is an HR there, he interviewed me, but it turned out that he was a boss.

    It is a beautiful and melodic feeling, though I’ve spent months torturing myself for it.

    We’ve never had anything indecent, and I don’t wish we did.

    Instead, I wish he’d gotten a divorce. I was feeling bad and became too paranoid when I thought his wife was going to kill him, because he started talking about divorce.
    We’ve gotten very close and were supporting each other due to the war in our country. She got suspicious, went through his phone and started sending me threats.

    He stopped talking to me since then, and I thought that something was wrong, so I hired an investigator. He found out that she was unfaithful, but he failed to take a photo as a proof.

    I tried to uncover her, so she won’t hurt the man that I love, her husband. But she managed somewhat to turn it around. Then she started to bully me online: I don’t report police only out of my respect for this man.

    I went through plenty of psychology workshops and groups, therapy etc. as a dependent person in my past, so I know what is going on: to him and to their kids she is destructive, she is very toxic. I am not judging, it is bare terminology used in therapy.

    He haven’t spoken to me since I’ve shown him how she is abusing and harassing me online, I don’t know how the situation is now. I know he is a great person, and she doesn’t love him if she betrays him in this way.

    I love him, he is dear to my heart. And no matter what I tried, and I tried, believe me, I just can’t stop loving him.

    I wish for us to talk again, but he is a noble man who is not willing to for the reason of his principles.

    I wanted to ask if there is a way for me to pray to resolve this? Not only that, but I want to be with him after his divorce, even if she turns my life into a living hell. He and his beautiful kids will need all the support possible. I am studying how negatively she influences them, so I would have known what to do to make amends.

    I want to know if it is right to pray for his happiness and for my own, and the Lord’s Will?

    I believe in marriage, and that this amazing man should be with a partner as devoted as he is to the covenant, not how it is right now. I want to be his wife and I pray for God to give me an answer and help me with this.

    Is it right?


    Wishing that someone would get a divorce is a kind of malediction. You should be praying that he will have a happy and strong marriage. The fact that you confess to loving him and that he started talking about divorce implies that a boundary was crossed. You cannot control whom you will love; but sometimes words should not be spoken, and affection should be withheld. His wife was no fool and her suspicions, by your own attestation, were grounded. Sometimes “innocent” is not really “innocent.”

    You intruded into their private affairs by hiring an investigator. The allegation of infidelity on his spouse’s part is no business of yours. Indeed, if you are this obsessed with him then he is right in not speaking and in keeping his distance from you. Worry about keeping your job and leave this man and his wife alone. If she has asked you to stay out of their lives— that is not bullying, but her right as his wife.

    You say you are not judging but then you call her “toxic.” Sorry, I think the problem is yours. It may be that you need additional therapy to let go. If possible, it would be prudent to find a job elsewhere and to remove yourself from an occasion of sin. You ask, “I want to know if it is right to pray for his happiness and for my own, and the Lord’s will?” You should pray for his wife and that the marriage will last until natural death. It is not about you. If you really love him, then let him go. The covenant is already made. You are plotting to destroy what God has joined. That is wrong.

  4. Dear Fr. Joseph,

    PTL for your writing and answering our questions. I am in a same-sex relationship for coming 20 years and my partner and myself both have refrained from any sexual acts ever since we converted (7-8 years ago). We accept that homosexual acts are mortal sin. We are active in our parish, and we try to serve as much as we can.

    I often hold myself back in case our relationship is made known. A priest advised us not to serve together in the same ministry.

    We are mutual companions in our faith journeys – attending Masses, retreats, pilgrimages and Scripture classes together. Our families and friends are mostly non-Christians. Are we called to be single to be fully accepted into communion with the Church?

    FATHER JOE: If you are living as chaste and celibate brothers, then it seems to me that you are doing what the Lord and his Church demands. I understand that the priest is worried about scandal; however, you are also giving a wonderful witness. There is a place for you both in the Church. Real love cannot be utterly defined by sexual activity. You share a genuine friendship with each other and with Jesus. Sacrifices are made to make it work. If there is a local chapter of COURAGE, I would urge you to share your testimony. You are a signpost as to how the Church should move forward on this important matter. God bless you!

  5. On Sunday, we were traveling and had planned to be at mass at 6 PM Sunday evening. Because of some delays along the trip, we discovered, we were not going to be able to make it for the beginning of mass at 6 PM.
    Since we are going to miss the beginning of mass, we decided to watch the replay of a live stream from earlier in the day. We participated during the live stream, through the liturgy of the word. About the time that the priest was seated, following the homily, we arrived at the church. We entered the church right as they begin the Nicene Creed. We fully participated in the liturgy of the Eucharist. would this be considered a “valid“ Sunday obligation?

    FATHER JOE: I would say you tried your best. God understands.

  6. Hello Father Joe,
    Have you read “The Synodal Process is a Pandora’s Box”. If so, can you post a comment.

    FATHER JOE: Sorry, have not read it.

  7. Hello father I was wondering if you could tell me what the 1 XX 1 symbol means above Jesus head on a rosary? Thank you.



    That is an oddity given as we both know the usual abbreviation is INRI for the Latin inscription above the head of Christ. Did you get the crucifix in the United Kingdom or from an Anglican? The rosary as a sacramental is becoming increasingly popular among their high church believers. The substitution of the I-X-X-I (all roman numerals) goes back to the days of Catholic persecution in England. The idea for its use probably originated with the Jesuit priests that clandestinely entered England from neighboring France. The priests would wear what became known as Jesuit rings.

    While the design of the rings appears to say IXXI, in truth it was “M” overlaid with an “A” and standing for “Auspice Maria.” It means “Under the protection of Mary.” This was the emblem for the Sulpicians who educated priests in France. Eventually the I-XX-I numerals were separated as a security code to avoid detection. Note that the rendering for the citation employed Latin numerals: IXX (19) and XXI (21). When asked what it meant, the believers would say that it pointed to the Bible, notably the Gospel of John (John 19:21):

    So the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that he said, ‘I am the King of the Jews.’”

    The bigotry of the anti-Catholic Protestants would be satisfied because they assumed that “papists” opposed the reading of Scripture.


    It has been noticed that certain cheap rosaries, most often produced in places like India will have 1-X-X-1 on the top of the crucifix (mixing contemporary with ancient Roman numerals). My suspicion is that these are modeled on the older IXXI as a template but that the makers, not being Christian, err in their production. Remember that India was once part of the British Empire.

  8. Hello. I have a few questions regarding Adam and Eve. Science has stated that human did not come from only two people(Adam and Eve) and from multiple people and even Archaic humans. So how would Adam and Eve work with that? Archaic humans are smart so would they have specialized souls like we do? If so does that mean Adam and Eve were the very first humans before smart Archaic ones? I was raised a Roman Catholic and these questions have turned me away and into an athiest. I really want to join back. Please help.

    FATHER JOE: The first human beings may not have looked like the images in religious picture books. Catholicism teaches that there were first parents to the human family. We call them Adam and Eve. The Church is less concerned about issues of evolution or development as she is about the unique role given humanity as the stewards of creation. The first human beings came into existence when God infused immortal souls. Given the scenario from science, there were likely also protohumans. Our first parents transgressed against God and committed what we label as original sin. This cost us many gifts that God wanted us to have. But, while punished and wounded by sin, God gave us the promise of redemption and restoration. We do not have a clear picture of human origins but there need be no conflict between faith and science.

  9. I saw the following on a work blog called “Ask a Manager.” Would this really be permitted?
    Thank you

    The blessed Fritos

    “At an event I once volunteered for, my gluten allergy wasn’t properly communicated. I was so hungry I started dipping in chips in applesauce. They also didn’t have gluten-free communion, which I felt obligated to take, so the priest very hastily blessed some Fritos for me.”

    FATHER JOE: No, it would never be permitted as it is invalid matter. Approval has been granted in Catholic Masses to use low gluten hosts however, the gluten-free hosts approved by Episcopal churches has been judged by Catholic authorities as invalid matter.

  10. Why priests? Christ is the true high priest, and I can go direct to him.

    FATHER JOE: The why and wherefore goes back to Jesus who instituted the Church and commissioned the apostles. Our Lord extended his authority and power to his apostles and they in turn shared it with the bishops and priests. The sacraments were pursued in the very earliest days of the faith. Ours is a mediated faith. We come to Christ through his mystical body, the great sacrament of the Church. While Jesus Christ is the one high priest of Christianity, there is also the ordained priesthood and the baptismal priesthood of all baptized believers. Biblical prophecy is fulfilled that there might be a nation of priests (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9; Rev. 1:6). Among this number some are appointed to apostolic ministry as sharers in the priesthood of our high priest Christ (James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:1-14). At the Last Supper the apostles are commanded to “do this in remembrance of me” and thus perpetuate the Mass which is an unbloody re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary. Granted the ministry of reconciliation they are given the power to forgive sins. They stand at our altars and act in the person of Christ, the bridegroom and head of the Church. Ours is not merely a personal faith in Jesus but a corporate or communal faith instituted by Jesus Christ. He makes Peter and his successors the ROCK for his Church.

  11. Hi Father,
    I hope you can help me. I’m having difficulty with understanding when I have been intemperate of food/drink.

    Is it when I have a second drink (second glass of wine or second beer)? If I have something sweet after both lunch and dinner? Is it entirely dependent on portion size?

    I fast 3 days weekly on one meal for various intentions and sometimes on the following day I am ravenous. I understand that eating to satisfy hunger is not a sin but I feel like I eat more than I would have if I hadn’t fasted the day previous. I’m trying to set some guidelines for me to follow so that I don’t ruin the good of the fast by overeating the next day. I have to admit that I don’t like being hungry and on the days I am free to eat it is so easy to perhaps overeat without it seeming like a sin at the time. It occurs to me later, when my hunger is satisfied, that maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that.

    Any help you can give would be appreciated.

    FATHER JOE: Sorry, but you do not need a priest about this but a dietitian.

  12. Dear Fr. Joe,

    I went to confession today. I knelt behind the screen and the priest said something in a foreign language to begin, and I made my confession. After I finished he said what I believe were the prayers of absolution, again in a foreign language. I thanked him but he again answered in a foreign language and I had the distinct sense he didn’t understand English, or his English was very limited. This was at a Church I normally don’t attend but I found out they have confession on weekdays so I decided to go. I afterwards learned this parish has a predominately Portuguese congregation so I’m thinking perhaps this priest was visiting. I entered the confession assuming I would be confessing to an English speaking priest. This has never happened to me before and I am 66 years old. Would I be correct that my confession was valid? Thank you.

    FATHER JOE: Yes, the confession was valid.

  13. Hello. my name is Tobias im 18 and im starting to lose faith
    i just cant find enough evidence of God

    FATHER JOE: Do you read the Bible and spiritual books? Feed the soul and open your eyes to the many miracles of God around you!

  14. Hi father,

    In brief:

    I am making a lot of vows and I cannot do.
    Can God forgive me and remove them.
    And what about vows about others like he not do something. Is that abiding for him.

    Can God forgive me.

    On the internet it says he will not forgive not doing the vows.

    In details:

    This is happening for the last 17 years and every day I am making a lot of vows and some are because of fear, others are because of thoughts.

    I am ashamed of this and I feel crazy and stupid.

    I love God, but i cannot beer it any more, I lost 4 jobs and I will soon start devorce because of this.
    The items are related to cutting hair, and not touching somethings, not saying some words in specific, not doing somethings, food, sleep, work, family, placed, crying, laughing, loud voice, heaven and hell, and money, not learning somethings, calculating things, doing some rituals, how to read, and many are related to prayer and religious things and sex, … etc.

    It also involves hell.

    I heard that God do not forgive not fulfilling vows, if this is the case then I have no hope. Is it true.

    I am orthodox, I asked a catholic priest and he told me that God is a father and he forgives me for my vows and I should say that it is wrong and not think about it and by this I will heal myself.

    Can you plz. Advise me I want to know, because I already spoke to a priest but I am having doubts.

    Also is the unforgiven sin related to saying a specific word or thing about God or Jesus or the holy spirit.

    I lost my work 4 times and I am going to start divorce because my wife think I am crazy and I cannot blame her. I have bad relations with my relatives. I am living the worst life I ever thought possible.

    I am fully occupied with this and it is overwhelming and depressing it is making me feel lost.

    Thanks a lot for reading this.


    It is very wrong to make empty vows or promises. First, an authentic vow is usually said before a priest. He will reject vows that seem frivolous or unrealistic. Second, you might make baptismal promises for a child, but you cannot make a vow for another. That is ridiculous. You make vows every day? No, you are playing games with God.

    I am sorry that you have lost four jobs and are facing divorce. Why is this? It sounds to me that your problem is not spiritual or religious but rather psychological. You have issues that need resolution. Seek professional help or keep seeing such help.

  15. Hi Father,
    My husband is a convert to the Catholic faith. We have a child that is severely disabled. My husband stepped away from the faith for several years do to work. My children and I attend regularly. My question is that my husband is not open to using natural family planning method. He is fearful that we will have another child with a disability. He says by using the withdrawal method for sex the sin falls on him. Does this leave me in a state of mortal sin, and do you have any other advice? I’ve been consumed by my children’s care, and I struggle with fatigue and depression. In some ways I believe my husband lacks knowledge of the Catholic faith, he grew up Pentecostal and it has been difficult. Thank you for your time.

    FATHER JOE: It is unfortunate that your husband refuses to cooperate with you in using NFP. He likely does not really see what he is doing as wrong. What can you do? The marital act takes two and you want to do what is necessary to keep harmony in the family. Remain faithful to him and trust in God’s mercy. Take care of your children. I do not believe you are in mortal sin. You are just in a desperate situation and I would not want to add to your anxiety.

  16. Hello dear hope you are okay. My name is huzaifa I’m 21 year old. I live in pakistan . I am muslim . But i love Christianity. I want to accept Christianity. In pakistan ne religious freedom if i accept religion here. People will kill me. I have some ammount of money .i want to leave this country can you please arrange visa for me. I want to move countrys like usa where all people have religious freedom. Plese help me.

    FATHER JOE: You would best pursue your options among the local Christian leadership. It may be that God wants you to witness at home with courage and sacrifice.

  17. Thanks for ypur effort and time.

    I have made a lot of vows many it is a kind of continuous thimg lile my life to him and some are strange in addition to blasphemy stuff when angry or weak belive I am orthodox.

    I feel hopeless and lost i cannot do these vows they are huge amount and i cannot stop i know something is wrong
    And cam vows be made by me that is related to others, can all these vows ne forgiven.

    FATHER JOE: I am not sure what you are saying. There may be language issues. I would recommend speaking to a local priest. The Church may be small and persecuted in your country but it does exist.

  18. Hello. I was reading this article https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_90.cfm and no. 12 made me question. What is meant by „only someone speaking through the power of god can know what people dream“? Does this mean there are certain people who know what another person saw in their dream? I never heard of it before. Thank you.

    FATHER JOE: The website is Protestant. I am a Catholic priest. I could not recommend it. Your dreams are your dreams. It is possible that God might speak to you in dreams but often they are just dreams. If there is any conversation it is between you and the Lord.

  19. Hello

    I was wondering if selling your soul is real or not and what the meaning of it is. Like is it biblical, a physicall agreement, non existent, sellout for satan, a physical transaction or what?

    Thank you, amen

    FATHER JOE: Every time you commit a mortal sin you sell your soul.

  20. Hello father,

    I have been getting more videos related to Christian topics recently on YouTube and I was wondering do I need to watch all the God related videos I see on my recommendations. The reason why I’m apprehensive is that when I would watch other videos like this on social media like TikTok they we’re talking saying that people were being “Luke warm” Christians (people who are Christians but don’t do enough for God) and that the world was gonna end soon(because the Euphrates river is dried up). These videos were making me scared so I deleted the app (I felt like I wasn’t being a good enough Christian and I was letting God down ). Now I’m seeing these videos on YouTube. I’ve been avoiding using YouTube because of these videos and I don’t know what I should do. I am worried I’m avoiding God and I’m making him disappointed. I just wanna clarify that the people themselves are the reason why I don’t wanna watch not because I don’t wanna see things about God these videos just seem a little bit depressing and judgemental. I was watching some christian people before I started seeing these videos.

    Thank you so much

    FATHER JOE: Many of the religious videos on YouTube are steeped in religious error and bigotry. While there are some good ones, there is no imperative to watch any of them.

  21. This was said at a mass: “…heaven and the virtues of heaven and the blessed seraphim.” What does “the virtues of heaven” mean?

    FATHER JOE: These are the ranks of angels.

  22. Christine says:

    Hi, so last night I decided to pick my Bible up and read it for the 1st time in a while. I was listening to music as I did. I turned my music off and it was silent. Suddenly, I heard what sounded like someone talking. I went outside and I found no one so I was very confused. I lay back down, and I heard it again, very faintly. Then, my left ear was burning to the point where I was crying. I hurt so bad, and I’d never felt that before. I’d like more insight into what was happening in that moment.

    Father Joe says:

    Sorry, but I have no idea. I suspect it is not supernatural though.

  23. I am nineteen years old, and I have always been gay; but honestly, it is not doing it for me anymore. Women have become attractive to me, and I do not want to be gay anymore. I have become disinterested in men and now see women with actual interest. I have never had any male figures in my life to talk about this. I wonder if I had a heterosexual encounter whether it would turn me straight? I want to get married some day and have a family. I would also like re-establish my faith in the Lord.

    FATHER JOE: Your comment suggests the long-standing debate as to whether orientation is due to nature (albeit fallen) or nurture. In your case, I suspect it is the latter. The lack in your formation of good male role models is likely the cause for your sexual confusion. As a priest, I would urge against sexual experimentation and urge respect for yourself and for the persons of others. Sexual congress is reserved to men and women within the covenant of marriage. The attraction toward females is a sign of your proper orientation. Be careful as a young man that you do not incur personal trauma or harm someone else because of sexual passions. Chaste romantic relationships with women signify the best way to invite courtship and to pursue future marriage and family. If you are honest about wanting a real relationship with the Lord, go to church and pray with the women to whom you are attracted. Walk with the Lord.

  24. Hello Father. I’ve been having problems with the classical attributes of God, especially as formulated by the medievals like Aquinas. I hear sometimes that they are dogmatic in a particular formulation and I’m not to believe contrary.

    For example, God is simple, meaning not composed of parts. I agree with that, however I’m sometimes told that also includes any distinctions real or imagined which I think is a problem for several reasons.

    Immutability seems to be referring to the essence of God, which I agree with, but I’m sometimes told God can never change in ways like disposition toward someone or even in becoming man with the incarnation.

    When Trent or Vatican II affirm simplicity and immutability I agree with them, but sometimes other Catholics give me stronger claims that I have problems with.

    So am I somehow running afoul of dogma by saying that we should not use thomism to interpret them? Thank you.

    FATHER JOE: You mention a couple of the attributes of God but do not really raise any challenges. The simplicity of God is a fact of his nature that is given expression in the second Person of the Trinity— the Word. Even God’s knowing himself is not so much revealed through many words but in the one Word that becomes flesh. Immutability simply means that there is no potency in God. He is pure “to be” or actualization. All created things participate in his perfections, but they properly belong to God in whom they are immediately and fully realized. I am not sure how you would talk about these Aristotelian categories with reference to Aquinas. Who are the competing theologians that you find credible?

  25. Dear Father Joe,
    Does one need to receive dispensation from attending mass on Sundays from a priest or are there some situations that it would not be a mortal sin, such as situations of security and safety?

    Thank you for offering this forum? God bless.

    FATHER JOE: The bishop can dispense the Sunday Mass obligation for a sufficient reason like dangerous weather conditions or a lethal plague. Those who are sick or shut-in, are automatically released from their obligation. Indeed, those who care for the infirm may also be dispensed. The parish priest or pastor can dispense individuals for grave reasons but not a whole group or parish. The precept for Mass attendance on Sundays and holy days is not absolute.

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